At a recent cardiology meeting in Auckland, New Zealand, a striking admission was made: the spike protein generated by mRNA COVID-19 vaccines is now being recognized as a cardiotoxin — a substance capable of causing direct harm to the heart. According to the cardiologist who made the admission, this toxic protein is the root cause of the alarming increase in heart-related illnesses seen in both young and old patients since the vaccine’s rollout. As cardiology waiting rooms and cardiac wards fill to capacity — especially with young patients suffering from previously rare conditions — many healthcare professionals are beginning to speak out about a growing public health crisis that the government and health authorities seem determined to ignore.
Cardiologists Have Never Seen Heart Damage Like This in Young People
The evidence of vaccine-related heart damage is overwhelming, according to various reports from within New Zealand’s hospitals. Cardiac surgeons are quietly advising patients who have undergone procedures like coronary bypass surgery to “refuse future vaccine boosters,” as their risk of further heart complications could be exacerbated.
One cardiologist noted that the rise in heart disease cases — especially in younger, previously healthy individuals — corresponds directly with the introduction of the mRNA vaccines. The surge is described as “unprecedented,” with waiting rooms across New Zealand’s hospitals increasingly full of “young patients” suffering from conditions such as myocarditis, pericarditis and other heart issues previously uncommon in this demographic. As this reality becomes more widely understood, many doctors are growing increasingly concerned about the future health consequences for vaccinated individuals.
Furthermore, cancer experts such as James Royle, a UK-based oncologist, have pointed out that there has been an increase in the incidence of “aggressive, stage 4 cancers” — also known as “turbo cancers” — especially among young people. These cancers display “novel biological characteristics” that are not typically seen in the general population. Royle suggests a “causal link” between the mRNA vaccines and this disturbing trend, citing evidence of 13 bio-molecular mechanisms through which the vaccines could trigger cancer growth.
New Zealand Medical Establishment Refuses to Release Data on Heart Damage and Cancer Incidence in the Vaccinated
The official narrative promoted by Health New Zealand has long held that the vaccines are “safe and effective,” but front-line doctors are increasingly aware that the evidence does not support these claims. Despite mounting concerns, officials have been delaying the release of critical health data on the subject, claiming “patient confidentiality” as the reason.
Of course, it wasn’t long ago, when no one’s health information or medical decisions were confidential or private. Patients were routinely forced to take the COVID-19 vaccine under the duress of unlawful mandates and the threat of travel restrictions and segregation from careers and societal functions.
A recent request filed under the Official Information Act (OIA) sought to obtain data on the rise in chest pain presentations to accident and emergency departments, but the request was blocked. Dr. Guy Hatchard, a former director of the New Zealand Natural Health Society, lambasts the current medical establishment’s refusal to confront the growing evidence of vaccine harm, describing their actions as “criminal folly.” Hatchard argues that “delaying the release of health data” — especially data related to the alarming rise in heart disease and other chronic conditions — is not only unjust but detrimental to the well-being of the New Zealand public.
The ongoing culture of fear created by the New Zealand Medical Council, which has been actively prosecuting doctors who speak out against the safety of the COVID-19 vaccines, must come to an end. The intimidation of medical professionals has only served to stifle open dialogue and delay the necessary response to this growing crisis.
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