This paper, written by co-authors from the Gandhian Global Harmony Association (GGHA), commemorates the 79th anniversary of the tragic actions of civilians that occurred in the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki (HaN). These cities were the first to experience the devastating and terrifying effects of US nuclear attacks, marking a dark moment in history.
For nearly eight decades, the West and its “nuclear alliance” of 32 NATO countries have perpetuated the threat of global nuclear catastrophe, leading to the potential of a “nuclear winter” that could impact the entire world. In order for humanity to survive in this nuclear age, a paradigm shift for change is necessary.
The launch of an alternative globalization of peace science is crucial to this transformation. This science offers a universal and verifiable framework for the global community, promoting peace, justifiable harmony, prosperity, an equitable society, and sustainable development. By embracing this paradigm, nations can move away from conflict and toward a future of lasting and justifiable peace, as envisioned by Kantian concept of “perpetual peace”, Gandhian “Non-violence movement” and Galtung’s “conflict transformation by peaceful means”. This shift is essential to avoid a cycle of fragile truce amidst ongoing informal-formal wars.
HaN: The Nuclear Criminal Civilization Birth and Its Globalization
HaN is the symbol of a deadly and criminal nuclear civilization. It was born in August 1945 and has since thrived, fueling, and escalating the nuclear arms race with top priority budgets for 79 years It shows no sign of letting go disregarding or suppressing all fundamental peaceful and scientific alternatives. This symbol is presented in Figure 1 showcasing all the objective parameters of this civilization’s emergence: source, process, location, timing, and the scale of historical nuclear terror and genocide.
Image: Fig. 1. Hiroshima/Nagasaki Symbol
The criminal nature of nuclear civilization and the falsehood of so-called “nuclear deterrence” are exposed in the monograph by the famous lawyer Francis Boyle. “The nuclear age was born from the original sins of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6 and 9, 1945. The atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were crimes against humanity and war crimes…” [1]. The nuclear terror of HaN is the criminal creation of the USA, and the West as a whole, originating from Hitler in 1939 in the “German Nuclear Program“, which was provided with all necessary resources [Wiki] for racist, Nazi purposes. Therefore, the Western nuclear civilization that emerged from it is the criminal Western “nuclear age” and a criminal “suicidal civilization” [2 & 3]. This compelled other countries and civilizations of humanity, to respond with nuclear weapons for self-preservation and security against the existential Western threat, sparking a deadly, suicidal, and ecocidal global race that persists to this day.
Since the time of HaN, nuclear civilization has been marked by the ominous sign of its suicidal globalization, leading to an ongoing and accelerating nuclear arms race. This includes unlimited “modernization” and expansion in both genocidal potential power and the number of countries involved. This trajectory ultimately dooms this criminal civilization and all of humanity to an inevitable nuclear Armageddon and Auschwitz.
The potential for genocide in this civilization has reached an extreme level of risk surpassing 99%, as indicated by the symbolic “Doomsday Clock” set by American nuclear scientists [4]. This is accompanied by an intensification of military, psychological, and spiritual conflicts in areas like Gaza and Ukraine serving as a prelude to nuclear genocide in a new and potential world war. This dangerous situation was amplified by the protest self-immolation of US soldier, Aaron Bushnell, in front of the Israeli embassy in Washington on February 25, 2024, at 13:00 [5].
Image: Self-immolation of Aaron Bushnell (Licensed under Fair Use)
Today, nuclear civilization is at the peak of global genocide, a path first set by Adolf Hitler. The diligent students of genocide from the USA and NATO have followed in his footsteps for nearly 80 years. Their training in genocide of about 40 nations in the years after World War II with conventional weapons resulted in the deaths of 20 to 30 million civilians [6, 7 & 8]. Currently, the US and NATO continue to commit genocide against civilians in the Gaza Strip, Ukraine, and around the world. In 2023, there were 183 armed conflicts worldwide, according to Bloomberg [9]. The frantic nuclear arms race initiated by the US and NATO naturally led to increased production of these weapons in countries that were targeted to be the next victims after HaN in plans to “wipe them off the map” [10]. These countries have done everything to resist Western nuclear terror and avoid becoming victims of its crimes: the USSR, Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, India, and Pakistan. One of the latest acts in this criminal race was the suicidal decision of the West to invest 1.2 trillion dollars in the “modernization of nuclear weapons” by 2030, “capable of killing up to 90% of humanity” with the involvement of Australia, Japan, the Republic of Korea, and New Zealand in the new nuclear bloc AUKUS [11].
The globalization of nuclear civilization and its tool – nuclear weapons – is in complete contradiction to all norms of international law, ultimately destroying and rejecting it. “… Nuclear weapons have never been beneficial instruments of state policy, but rather have always constituted illegitimate instrumentalities of internationally lawless and criminal behavior first of all. » [1]. The design, research, testing, production, manufacture, -, transportation, deployment, installation, maintenance, storage, stockpiling, sale, and purchase of nuclear weapons, along with threat to use them and all their essential components are criminal under well-established principles of international law. Thus, government decision-makers in all nuclear weapons states with command responsibility for their nuclear weapons establishments are subject to personal criminal responsibility under the Nuremberg Principles for this criminal practice of nuclear deterrence and terrorism that they impose on all states and peoples of the international community. Four components of the threat to use nuclear weapons that are particularly reprehensible from an international law perspective: counter-ethnic targeting; counter-city targeting; first-strike weapons and contingency plans; and the first-use of nuclear weapons even to repel a conventional attack.”[1] “… Humankind must abolish nuclear weapons before nuclear weapons abolish humankind… as doctrine known as “nuclear deterrence,” which is truly a euphemism for “nuclear terrorism” [Ibid].
It is crucial to differentiate between Western nuclear aggressors who use nuclear weapons to dictate over objectionable states, and other countries that develop nuclear weapons for defense against nuclear aggressors. If humanity initially allowed one aggressor to create and use nuclear weapons, then what right does it have to deprive other countries of the right to adequate, nuclear defense, as the USSR did, in response to US aggressive plans to “erase it with a map of nuclear weapons” [10]?. It is immoral to equate the aggressor and its victims.
The NATO Washington Declaration on July 10, 2024 once again confirms the criminal nature of this nuclear alliance.
“As long as nuclear weapons exist, NATO will remain a nuclear alliance… NATO remains committed to taking all necessary steps to ensure the credibility, effectiveness, safety, and security of the Alliance’s nuclear deterrence mission, including by modernizing its nuclear capabilities, strengthening its nuclear planning capability, and adapting as necessary” [12].
Our general assessment of the “golden billion” criminal Western civilization is outlined in our “Anti-NATO Manifesto” with colleagues [13].
For almost 80 years, the nuclear civilization, imposed by force and the threat of force by the West on humanity, has become a turning point in its history. Humanity will either end its existence, or radically change its strategic future towards planetary and scientific “perpetual peace” according to Kant [14] in all spheres of society, Gandhi’s nonviolence, and Galtung’s conflict transformation by peaceful means, as well as in all countries and institutions, including international law, as a common normative bridge to it. For this fateful turn, humanity needs to master the fundamental verified Peace Science, which can become its common mental base and a nonviolent instrument acceptable to all nations for the eradication of nuclear weapons as the West’s “Absolute Evil” [15]. The possibility of its eradication on a scientific basis was first considered by the GGHA in its collective “Anti-Nuclear Manifesto” of 46 coauthors from 26 countries with the participation of four Nobel Peace Laureates in 2020 [16].
Hiroshima and Nagasaki from the American Political Kitchen Inside in 1945
The American political kitchen of 1945, where the criminal strategic decision to destroy the civilian population of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was made in detailed in various works [8, 17, 18, 19, 20 & 21], from which we will highlight the most important and characteristic attributes.
Another source states, “In fact, the goal was clear: it was not just to destroy buildings but to instantly kill an unprecedented number of people,” in order to “send a message” to the Soviet Union that the United States now had a monopoly on nuclear weapons and would henceforth dominate the postwar world. To achieve this, almost half a million Japanese civilians had to die, including those who later became victims of the effects of the bombs; radiation [18]. This sentiment is echoed in all sources.
The immorality of the criminal decision to bomb the innocent inhabitants of Hiroshima and Nagasaki is revealed by the hypocritical detail of its satanic blasphemy. “It was utter, satanic blasphemy, when the first atomic bomb was called Trinity, the holiest name in all religions… It was blasphemy, when an army chaplain blessed the Hiroshima bomb with holy water. He even blessed the Nagasaki bomb, after he had seen the casualties produced by the Hiroshima bomb, a few days earlier” [21]. Hiroshima and Nagasaki became an atheistic desecration of all religions and of a nuclear civilization doomed by God to nuclear suicide unless an alternative paradigm is born within it.
The only bright and highly spiritual event in this vile political kitchen is when “Theodore Hall, a 19-year-old American Los Alamos scientist, the youngest physicist on the Manhattan Project and a Soviet spy, handed complete plans for constructing the “Fat Man” plutonium bomb” to an American spy courier working for the Soviet Union [18].
Fig. 2. “Atomic butcher” Truman and his fruit
Truman continued the legacy of Hitler’s gas ovens in the “death camps” such as Auschwitz with sophistication and brilliance. This was done as means of furthering the racist ideology outlined in “Mein Kampf”, which will mark its 100th anniversary in 2025. This innovative Western policy has been globalizing genocidal HaN practices for 79 years, ultimately in the official policy of the “NATO nuclear alliance” which includes 32 European countries [12].
Globalization of HaN in Numbers for 79 Years: 1945 – 2024
The best illustration of the HaN Western globalization scale over 79 years is the map in Figure 3, created by self-critical Western scientists from the FAS [22].
Figure 3. Estimated Global Nuclear Warheads Inventories, 2024
Based on this map and additional sources, we have constructed a table HaN estimating the scale of Western nuclear globalization over 79 years. Why “estimated”? The authors rightly point out,
“The exact number of nuclear weapons in each country’s possession is a closely held national secret, so the estimates presented here come with significant uncertainty. Most nuclear-armed states provide essentially no information about the sizes of their nuclear stockpiles” [Ibid].
Another, important perspective, in contrast to the double standards of mainstream media, is that “the dangers of nuclear war are not a subject of debate and analysis by the mainstream media. Public opinion is carefully misled… Nuclear weapons are portrayed as peace-making bombs” [17].
Despite the inevitable margin of error, the data from sources provide a general HaN overview of the trend unclear globalization over 79 years and the “constant growth of the number of nuclear warheads towards the inevitable collapse of nuclear civilization in the global Hiroshima and Nagasaki context. This globalization is illustrated in the table in Figure 4.
Fig. 4. Table. HaN Globalization
HaN – Hiroshima & Nagasaki; NW – Nuclear Warheads; GG – Growth of HaN Globalization in %
A few strokes on the table.
The modern “modeling results generally confirm the conclusions of simpler models from the 1980s that a full-scale nuclear conflict between Russia and the United States would lead to a “nuclear winter…” The “nuclear winter” hypothesis, which arose in a tense political situation, showed that the consequences of a nuclear war have not been sufficiently studied and are little considered in the decision-making process regarding the use of nuclear weapons… [The] inconsistency of the assertion that “the presence of nuclear weapons by two antagonists increases their restraint in the use of military force” has been proven at the distant approaches to the nuclear threshold.… Narrowing of strategic choice and short-term thinking in crisis situations cannot guarantee rational decision-making on the issue of using nuclear weapons. Justification of such a decision by national rivalry or the ideology of confrontation cannot be justified” [24].
“It has long been known that a major nuclear war could destroy modern ci1ilization and kill most of humanity… This report summarizes the latest scientific work, which shows that a so-called “limited” or “regional” nuclear war would be neither limited nor regional. On the contrary, it would be a planetary-scale event. In fact, it would be far more dangerous than previously understood. A war that detonated less than 1/20th of the world’s nuclear weapons would still crash the climate, global food supply chains and likely public order. Famines and unrest would kill hundreds of millions, perhaps even billions…Using less than 3% of the world’s nuclear weapons, a nuclear war between India and Pakistan could kill up to every third person on earth [~2,7 billions]”[25].
Potentially, there could be almost 10,000 times more victims HaN than in the Holocaust, a 1,000,000% increase. This is the supposed scale of HaN Western globalization today, stemming from only 3% of the world’s nuclear weapons. In more severe scenarios of “regional” nuclear war, considered by the author, the damage to humanity becomes even more devastating [Ibid].
To be continued…
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One Month Before Global Research’s Anniversary
This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 2 Sep 2024.
Dr. Bishnu Pathak from Nepal, is the Vice-President of GGHA and a former Senior Commissioner at the Commission of Investigation on Enforced Disappeared Persons (CIEDP) in Nepal. He has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize from 2013 to 2019 for his discovery of the Peace-Conflict Lifecycle which he compares to an ecosystem. Dr. Pathak is a member of the TRANSCEND Network for Peace Development Environment, Board Member of the TRANSCEND Peace University and holds a Ph.D. in interdsciplinary Conflict Transformation and Human Rights, earned over two decades in 2003. Despite the challenges, Professor Pathak has authored over 100 international books and papers, including “Politics of People’s War and Human Rights in Nepal” (2005), “Generations of Transitional Justice in the World” (2019), “The Nepal Compact: Potential for Cold War II” (2022), “Negotiation by Peaceful Means: Nepo-India Territorial Disputes” (2022), and “The Arts of Eastern Philosophy” (2023). Many of his publications have been used as references in universities in over 100 countries worldwide. Dr. Pathak’s work covers a wide range of topics, including Transitional Justice, Human Rights, Human Security, Peace, and Conflict Transformation. Web: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=910
Mairead Corrigan Maguire, from Northern Ireland, is a member of the TRANSCEND Network for Peace Development Environment and a peace activist from Northern Ireland. She was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1976 alongside Betty Williams for their work as co-founders of Women for Peace. This organization later evolved into the Community for Peace People, dedicated to promoting peaceful resolutions to violence in Northern Ireland. Web: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=678
Dr. Leo Semashko, a Russian Orthodox, Philosopher, and Sociologist, is the founder of the Gandhian Global Harmony Association (GGHA) established in 2005. He also serves as the Honorary President representing Peace Science, along with over 700 coauthors, including Indian President Dr. Abdul Kalam and 5 Nobel Peace Laureates, from over 50 countries. Based in St. Petersburg, Russia, Dr. Semashko has been leading this initiative for almost 20 years. Web: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=253
Chaitanya Dave is the Vice-President of GGHA in the USA. He is a follower of Mahatma Gandhi and Hinduism’s Vedanta philosophy. Additionally, he is an entrepreneur based in California. Web: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1205
Dr. Rudolf Siebert, Vice-President of the GGHA in the USA, is a Catholic and Professor Emeritus at the University of Michigan. He is a philosopher, antifascist, and a former child soldier in the Wehrmacht from 1943 to1945. Additionally, he is a theologian and the founder of the House of Mir in Kalamazoo, Michigan. Web: https://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=51
“Towards a World War III Scenario: The Dangers of Nuclear War”
by Michel Chossudovsky
Available to order from Global Research!
ISBN Number: 978-0-9737147-5-3
Year: 2012
Pages: 102
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Michel Chossudovsky is Professor of Economics at the University of Ottawa and Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), which hosts the critically acclaimed website www.globalresearch.ca . He is a contributor to the Encyclopedia Britannica. His writings have been translated into more than 20 languages.
“This book is a ‘must’ resource – a richly documented and systematic diagnosis of the supremely pathological geo-strategic planning of US wars since ‘9-11’ against non-nuclear countries to seize their oil fields and resources under cover of ‘freedom and democracy’.”
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“In a world where engineered, pre-emptive, or more fashionably “humanitarian” wars of aggression have become the norm, this challenging book may be our final wake-up call.”
-Denis Halliday, Former Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations
Michel Chossudovsky exposes the insanity of our privatized war machine. Iran is being targeted with nuclear weapons as part of a war agenda built on distortions and lies for the purpose of private profit. The real aims are oil, financial hegemony and global control. The price could be nuclear holocaust. When weapons become the hottest export of the world’s only superpower, and diplomats work as salesmen for the defense industry, the whole world is recklessly endangered. If we must have a military, it belongs entirely in the public sector. No one should profit from mass death and destruction.
–Ellen Brown, author of ‘Web of Debt’ and president of the Public Banking Institute
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