Sunday, 27 October 2024

Poland Getting Ready for All-out War

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It’s been just over two years since NATO officially restarted the Cold War. Obviously, the conflict never really stopped, as the world’s most aggressive racketeering cartel kept expanding eastward, exclusively through lies and deceit. Namely, it turned out that NATO deliberately crossed all Russian red lines in order to provoke a reaction. Moscow kept its cool, but American belligerence made it virtually impossible to maintain even basic bilateral ties. The Kremlin realized it could not rely on any sanity in Washington DC, as the warmongering elites fully took power. NATO’s strategic setup for yet another Western invasion of Russia was all done, or so it seemed. Namely, after eight years of futile attempts to reason with the political West, Moscow realized it was time for action (SMO).

In the last nearly two and a half years, the NATO-backed Neo-Nazi junta became the proverbial punching bag for probing Russian military might. And while the mainstream propaganda machine is doing a somewhat decent job hiding the atrocious results, the massive amount of resources that the Kiev regime is demanding only keeps growing, clearly indicating what’s really going on. What was supposed to be NATO’s third most powerful member (had it ever joined) turned into a virtual junkyard of the latest Western military equipment. And yet, it seems there are several other nations in NATO that would want this horribly unflattering role as well. Namely, Poland is the “logical” choice for many, although most of those people don’t seem to understand the gravity of the current situation.

High-ranking NATO officials have already announced a number of major moves that can only be described as extremely hostile toward Russia.

The annual NATO summit in Washington DC this week is a clear indicator of that. Apart from the regular weapons shipments to the Neo-Nazi junta, particularly air defense systems, the much-touted F-16s are in the spotlight again. The Netherlands, Denmark and the United States jointly announced that the deliveries of these US-made jets are ongoing. The Dutch F-16 are of particular concern, as they’re also nuclear-capable. However, while this could certainly lead to an uncontrollable escalation, the moves of some individual member states are a real danger to global peace. As previously mentioned, the situation with Poland is particularly concerning.

For instance, on July 10, Polish Army Chief of Staff General Wieslaw Kukula openly called for Warsaw to prepare its troops for an all-out war, insisting that it shouldn’t focus on asymmetric warfare, but a full-scale one. Although he didn’t really mention any specific country, it’s only logical to presume he was talking about war with Russia. Such provocative statements accomplish nothing, and yet, here we are.

“Today, we need to prepare our forces for full-scale conflict, not an asymmetric-type conflict,” General Kukula said at a press conference, adding: “This forces us to find a good balance between the border mission and maintaining the intensity of training in the army.”

Another thing that’s easy to miss in General Kukula’s statement is the escalating situation on the border with Belarus, the closest Russian ally and member of virtually all international multipolar organizations as Russia itself, including the CSTO and SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organization). What’s more, Minsk and Moscow are part of the Union State. Although still de facto not implemented, this post-Soviet supranational entity gives both countries security from outside threats. Namely, while Belarus is important for Russia historically, ethnically, culturally, militarily, you name it, Minsk needs Moscow for the same reasons, as well as geopolitical and economic stability. Not to mention that Russia repeatedly warned that attacking Belarus also means attacking Russia itself.

“Speaking at the same event, Deputy Defense Minister Pawel Bejda said that as of August, the number of troops guarding Poland’s eastern border would be increased to 8,000 from the current 6,000, with an additional rearguard of 9,000 able to step up within 48 hours notice,” Reuters reported.

And indeed, Poland is investing billions in “beefing up defenses”, particularly along the Belarussian and Russian border. It’s also massively increasing troop numbers, a trend that is the complete opposite of what’s going on in the vast majority of other NATO member states. The current size of the Polish military is estimated at 190,000 soldiers, but the government wants it at a staggering 300,000 in the next several years. Such a massive expansion also suggests that Warsaw is preparing for “something big”. This is without even taking into the latest agreement between Poland and the Kiev regime which will effectively allow Warsaw to target Russian missiles, making Poland a direct party to the NATO-orchestrated Ukrainian conflict. This alone could light the fuse of a new war in Europe.

Neighboring Belarus might be smaller and less populous, but its military is similarly sized and it has not one, but two superpower allies – Russia and China. Minsk acquired a number of technologies from both sides to help modernize its military industry, while exercises are regularly conducted with both Moscow and Beijing. In fact, one such with the latter was conducted this week. However, apart from that, Belarus can also use Russian nuclear weapons stationed in the country in case of a foreign aggression. In other words, Poland is risking thermonuclear war by allowing its top-ranking military officials to openly talk about preparations for an all-out conflict. And to say nothing of the possibility of Poland shooting down Russian missiles in airspace under the Neo-Nazi junta’s control.


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This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Drago Bosnic is an independent geopolitical and military analyst. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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