Friday, 10 January 2025

“President Musk” and “Assistant Secretary Trump” — The Real Pecking Order? “Money Controls Politics” Julian Rose

Well, those with the most beef lead the herd. That sounds like the primitive form of leadership adopted before mankind grew up a bit.  The era when warriors and physical prowess alone decided the pecking order.

However, over a few thousand years people progressed and the powers required for remaining king of the castle changed.

Those with the ability for intellectual reasoning overcame purely physical strength and eventually those with a commercial penchant pushed aside the intellectuals. 


PECKING ORDER: What is it and how to avoid problems in your flock? - Poules en Ville


Only a few hundred years ago, we in the West had an era of great advances in the arts and in self-discovery, known as the Renaissance, in which superstition and religious dogma were eclipsed by a dynamic exploration of both the physical and psycho-spiritual worlds. 


Renaissance Conflict and Rivalries: Cultural Polemics in Europe, c. 1300–c. 1650

Science emerged as a discipline in search of rational explanations of what makes universal life forces behave the way they do. The same with the development of medicines and systems of governance.

The integration of all these facets of human evolution promised something better and more sophisticated than rule by baseline power and control which had started the social cycle going.

But, lo and behold, emerging out of supposedly progressive political energies of North America, are symptoms of the old brute power game once again taking centre stage.

Only now it is not individual physical strength, but individual financial strength that aims to rule the day. Hence America welcomes an era of ‘billionaire presidents of power’ to occupy the throne of domestic and globalist influence. 

’ it looks like Musk will come out at the top of the pyramid and Trump will slot in behind him.

We know that banks, corporations and intelligence services actually run the modern world’s daily affairs, but now we have sheer individual wealth and prestige claiming their own unique powers of intervention on the world stage.

One entrepreneurial billionaire applauds another such determined billionaire in a game of mutual back slapping. George Soros, Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos are among another clique from the same stable. 

So Trump gives Musk the privilege of intervening in the affairs of State; possibly even setting the agenda in some areas. And Musk hails triumphant Trump by pouring money into his political fighting funds. 

None of this has anything to do with merit, you understand.  Unless making a financial killing is considered meritorious in its own right. Something that seems to have become an integral part of ‘The American Dream’.

Musk’s Tesla electric car business is seemingly not favoured by Trump. The supposedly liberal philosophy behind the ‘X’ social media operation also does not go down well. 

We don’t know what the EMF microwaving satellite spy in the sky extravaganza is thought of by Trump – nor Musk’s ‘smart’ (arsed) AI agenda. But he does not seem to have his hopes pinned on the cyborgian transhuman future which Musk has in mind for us.

However, one can be pretty sure that Trump admires Musk quite simply because he’s the richest man in the world. And that sort of admiration leads to the complete abandonment of sobriety.

Wealth is mesmerising. Extreme wealth is intoxicating.  And because most of mankind is equally mesmerized by these beasts of Mammon, they find a ready audience wherever they go, whatever they do and say.

They worship themselves, each other and their deeply ingrained illusions of power; and this gives them an aura of invincibility in the eyes of billions of aspiring materialists who see grandiose pomposity as the very pinnacle of ‘success’. 

The dominance of a politically motivated billionaire elite goes beyond globalism, as we know it today. It belongs to the realm of ‘self congratulating’ dictatorship and despotism.

It is a return to the age when physical strength dominated tribal life –   except that now the tool of domination is not a powerful physique but vast individual wealth.

Collective attainment of such wealth has been spearheaded by transnational and multinational corporations over the past few decades. This form of wealth gathering requires a degree of team work and shared financial management. 

But the individual despot likes to go it alone – and nobody, or almost nobody, tries to stop him. Because if one’s life goals are essentially materialistic, somewhere inside one harbours the same dream as the despot.

So here we are. 

Many today long to see – and to feel respect for – some genuine leadership qualities in those who strut the world stage. So they imbue these actors with qualities they do not possess, because the psychological need to feel protected and cared for by some father figure is a dominant emotional condition, particularly in times of great uncertainty.

Some may argue that such elite figureheads represent resistance to a quasi-governmental and corporate takeover. A brake against the deep state architects of control establishing their cybernetic New World Order. 

But this theory fails to hold water, since the individual despots operate entirely within the parameters of the status quo. They do not stand for a revolutionary change of attitude and redirected goal of life that constitutes the only way the broad swathe of humanity can find liberation and emancipation. They simply rearrange the deck chairs on the Titanic.

Thus, once again, we come face to face with an indisputable truth. The true values upon which to build a community, society, nation and world – are not materialistic in nature, but are spiritual.

As long as ‘leaders’ flaunt their financial vanities and pretend to offer alternatives to the blue pill Matrix, the world, and all its life forms, will continue to slide into an irrevocable state of oblivion. 

As long as those in power use psychic and financial exploitation to cause others to suffer inferiority complexes and feelings of being lesser human beings – as long as this form of inequality prevails as the norm – then we cannot hope for the grand redistribution of wealth and social status that is the only way to set the world on its true path of socioeconomic and spiritual emancipation. 

While the speculation and second-guessing of what will next emerge along the linear pathway of political subterfuge rages on – the real work of humanity is consigned to the shadows, smothered, fractured – and barely visible amongst the superficial ebb and flow of various shades of criminality. 

I prefer to view this exhibition of Muskian type megalomania as the last hurrah of a dying era. The final burst of individual two-dimensional tunnel vision power compulsion. 

Serious people, with their eyes set on both personal and collective transformation, recognise that the change which is most deeply longed for is the realisation of our highest body, mind and spirit aspirations. A route that frees one from the constant tug of the ego and the seductive allure of narcissism.

This is the way of truth which stands in stark contrast with the battle of the egos that rages on the world stage.

Just because someone is in possession of a large amount of money does not mean he/she has something useful to say.  In fact it generally means the opposite.

The kind of attention to overt materialism required to elevate someone into the category of billionaire is proportionate to the lack of wisdom such a person exhibits. How else could it be?

Unless and until spiritual and humanitarian values are nurtured into having a leading role in our daily lives, no genuine life improvements can take place.

Yet the majority of ‘educated’ people still strain their ears to catch every last word of purposeful deception spewed out into an already over polluted mass media market place by the Musks, Trumps and Gates’s of this world. While completely ignoring outstanding words of wisdom that bring clarity and sanity into meaningful focus.   

Here’s a pearl of such wisdom to hold onto at a time when the bombastic and belligerent kings of spin crowd out the courageous purveyors of truth:  

“Civilization, in the real sense of the term, consists not in the multiplication, but in the deliberate and voluntary reduction of wants.” —Mahatma Gandhi


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Julian Rose is an early pioneer of UK organic farming, a writer,  broadcaster and international activist. He is author of the acclaimed title ‘Overcoming the Robotic Mind’ and other works. Do visit his website

He is a regular contributor to Global research.

Featured image is from Sky News

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