In Solidarity with the People of Romania
The Protest Movement in Romania should seek to cancel Romania’s NATO Membership.
A decision of this nature would imply serious obstacles to a continuation of the Ukraine War.
The procedure is relatively straitforward as outlined below.
All it requires is a statement of the NATO Member State. Say No to NATO
Read Article 13 of the Washington Treaty which describes the procedure.
“Article 13
“After the Treaty has been in force for twenty years, any Party may cease to be a Party one year after its notice of denunciation has been given to the Government of the United States of America, which will inform the Governments of the other Parties of the deposit of each notice of denunciation.
A NATO Member State may cease to be “A Party of NATO ” one year after its notice of denunciation has been given the the Government of the U.S.A” (emphasis added)
While Article 13 of the Washington Treaty appears to be simplistic, one can expect numerous pressures and fraudulent actions with a view to preventing a NATO member state from canceling its NATO membership.
What is crucial at this juncture is to fracture and weaken NATO: an intergovernmental alliance of 32 member states.
How to Reverse the Tide of War: “Say Goodbye to Nato”
A. Withdrawal (Art 13 of the North Atlantic Treaty)
1. A mass movement at the grassroots of society to withdraw from NATO (Art. 13 of the North Atlantic Treaty)
2. Actions within the legislature of the 32 member states. Motions “to cease to be a party” of NATO (Art 13)
B. NATO Wants Money From Member States. It Also Wants Weapons
“During the 2014 summit, all NATO members agreed to spend at least 2% of their GDPs on defense by 2025″.
Pressure governments to freeze defense spending. Demand withdrawal of soldiers from the war theater.
C. The Restoration of Peace and Democracy
3. Persistent actions against corrupt heads of state who support NATO.
4. Restoration of the democratic process, elect politicians firmly committed to “CEASING TO BE A PARTY” OF NATO (ART 13)
D. Democratization of the Media
5. Actions against media, which are supportive of terrorism and crimes against humanity committed by NATO forces.
E. Actions Within the United Nations System
6. Meaningful actions within the United Nations System.
7. Actions against NGOs which support NATO.
F. Legal Actions
8. Legal actions against the military industrial complex and the financial establishment
9. Actions against the billionaire philanthropists which endorse and finance US NATO Israel, acts of war
10 Actions against NATO member governments which commit war crimes, crimes against humanity, genocide
Outstanding analysis below by Drago Bosnic.
Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, January 16, 2025
Ever since Romania became part of NATO and the European Union, it’s been slowly stripped of its sovereignty. Although the country wasn’t ready, EU accession was fast-tracked due to its crucial geostrategic position, enabling power projection across Eastern Europe. This was particularly important to the United States, which wanted to establish its so-called “missile defense shield”, which is essentially a laughable lie, as no ABM (anti-ballistic missile) system can reach Russian ICBMs (intercontinental ballistic missiles) from Romania.
However, the fact that these “missile defenses” are housed in the universal Mk 41 VLS (Mark 41 vertical launching system) means that they could easily be replaced by offensive missiles and nobody except the people who installed them would know it. This gives the Pentagon unprecedented strike options against Russia while keeping them concealed under the guise of “missile defense”.
The Kremlin was always aware of this, which is why it was firmly against these “missile defense shields”. However, the US-led political West was never interested in peace initiatives, despite decades of Russia’s attempts to establish normal relations. On the other hand, Romania’s strategic importance only grew with the advent of NATO’s crawling “Barbarossa 2.0”, as the country and its people are essentially the next in line (perhaps preceded only by Poland) to be used as cannon fodder against Russia.
Many in Romania understood that they were to play this extremely unflattering role. Thus, as anyone remotely sane would do, Romanians effectively told NATO to go pound sand, as evidenced by the recent election results. However, the world’s most vile racketeering cartel doesn’t give up that easily. The unelected EU bureaucrats then annulled the Romanian election results because of “evil Russians”.
Obviously, the mythical “Russian meddling” gave the political West carte blanche to “enforce democracy” in the unfortunate NATO-occupied country, so the “undemocratic” candidate was effectively put under house arrest. Sovereigntist Calin Georgescu was already subjected to a widespread smear campaign, with the mainstream propaganda machine presenting him as a “right-wing extremist”, “pro-Russian populist” and other nonsense.
Expectedly, the Romanian people are sick and tired of this, so they’re now taking to the streets. According to the latest reports, at least 100,000 people of various political backgrounds gathered to protest their country’s occupation by EU/NATO. It should be noted that even Georgescu’s political rivals are against the bureaucratic dictatorship in Brussels determining their fate. George Simion of the Alliance for the Union of Romanians (AUR) slammed the meddling.
“We are protesting against the coup d’état that took place on December 6. We are sorry to discover so late that we were living in a lie and that we were led by people who claimed to be democrats, but are not at all. We demand a return to democracy through the resumption of elections, starting with the second round,” he stated.
For nearly two months, more specifically since November 24, Romania has been kept in the dark, with the incumbent, pro-NATO Klaus Iohannis staying in power longer than expected. Calin Georgescu has even called him a usurper, which is not that far from true given the fact that unelected EU bureaucrats openly admitted that they annulled the election results. The second round was to be held on December 8, but it’s been over a month since then and the Romanian Constitutional Court (effectively a Brussels-run institution) keeps refusing to allow it. Georgescu’s 23% lead ahead of 13 other candidates was an unpleasant surprise for NATO shills. He was to face Elena Lasconi of the Save Romania Union (USR), who is firmly in bed with Brussels. It’s quite obvious that the corrupt pro-Western political elite doesn’t really understand (or care) what the Romanian people want, which is why they asked the EU to intervene.
The supposed “intelligence” on the mythical “Russian meddling” came from Iohannis himself, who reportedly shared it with the country’s Constitutional Court, claiming that Moscow allegedly “organized thousands of social media accounts to boost Georgescu’s campaign”. Millions of Romanians were already convinced that this was a ridiculous attempt to steal the election. However, after the former EU Commissioner Thierry Breton publicly admitted that this was really the case (on live TV, mind you), threatening to “enforce democracy” in Germany in the same way, the people were outraged.
As previously mentioned, on January 12, at least 100,000 protesters gathered in front of the Romanian Constitutional Court, demanding that the canceled second election round be held. Romanians also demonstrated that they’re fed up with the mainstream propaganda machine, which is simply incapable of telling the truth.
Much unlike them who are entirely controlled by the EU/NATO occupation regime, Georgescu was actually engaging with the Romanian people, mostly through social media. Running as an independent candidate, he’s certainly a breath of fresh air in the unfortunate NATO-occupied country. Unable to counter this, the Western-run political elites resorted to (il)legal means, with Iohannis, whose term was supposed to end on December 21, now slated to remain in power for nearly six months longer.
Namely, although there are still no official dates, the leaders of the ruling coalition government stated that they’d agreed on holding the two rounds of the do-over election on May 4 and May 18. Brussels probably believes this will give it enough time to place the “right candidate” in power. Georgescu has essentially promised to restore Romania’s sovereignty and put an end to the suicidal subservience to the political West (particularly in the context of the NATO-orchestrated Ukrainian conflict).
He doesn’t want the aforementioned NATO “missile defense shield” (based in Deveselu in southern Romania) calling it a “shame of diplomacy that is more confrontational than peace-promoting”. However, what’s even more disturbing for the war criminals in Washington DC and Brussels, Georgescu has taken a firm stance against Bucharest’s participation in NATO’s crawling aggression in Europe, speaking against their policies in former Ukraine. He openly criticizes the US Military Industrial Complex (MIC) and its role in prolonging the NATO-orchestrated conflict.
In addition, he also wants to restore Romania’s economic sovereignty and eradicate the EU-backed import lobby that has been strangling domestic production for decades. This has only contributed to the country’s chronic issues with poverty and constant emigration that further threaten its already long-struggling demographics.
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This article was originally published on InfoBrics.
Drago Bosnic is an independent geopolitical and military analyst. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.
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