Wednesday, 23 October 2024

Selected Articles: U.S. Plan to “Expand the War Beyond Ukraine”: NATO Buildup in Finland Puts Hostile Anti-Russia Army on Putin’s Doorstep

U.S. Plan to “Expand the War Beyond Ukraine”: NATO Buildup in Finland Puts Hostile Anti-Russia Army on Putin’s Doorstep

By Mike Whitney, July 10, 2024

The Biden administration has settled on a plan to expand the war beyond Ukraine by deploying combat troops and lethal weaponry to 15 military bases in Finland. Whether the deployment will include nuclear-armed ballistic missiles is not yet known, but the threat to Russia’s security is serious all the same.

From COVID-19 to Synthetic Design: Forcing a Shift to the Genetic Modification of Humans

By Prof. Anthony J. Hall, July 10, 2024

Elaborate patterns of fable and fairy tales are deeply woven into the ongoing chimera of COVID-19 as well as the lineup of successor illnesses being prepared to further our demise. The original frauds in 2020 included a totally inaccurate system of COVID tests designed to create massively amplified numbers of so-called “COVID cases.”

Inside China-Focused Congressional Hearings, Panic, Paranoia, and Hypocrisy Reign

By Megan Russell, July 10, 2024

On June 26th, the Committee on Oversight and Accountability sat down for a Congressional Hearing titled, “Defending America from the Chinese Communist Party’s Political Warfare.” This was one of many Congressional hearings aimed at tackling the “China threat.”

The Literary Review Poet and the Rapper Are Two Halves of the Same Muse

By David Penner, July 10, 2024

Due to the growing neoliberal antipathy towards the First Amendment American poetry finds itself in a conundrum, as all who submit their work to literary reviews are straitjacketed by the same censorship constraints as those who write for the mainstream press. Consequently, those who regularly contribute to these publications have long since abandoned any effort at saying something meaningful about the world in which we live.

Kiev Still Wants a New Counteroffensive. “Push back the Evil Russians”

By Drago Bosnic, July 09, 2024

For several months now, the Kiev regime has been talking about “new counteroffensives”. Desperate to get more “military aid” from the United States and European Union, the Neo-Nazi junta keeps fantasizing about large-scale offensive operations that would “push back the evil Russians”, but that’s as viable as Hitler’s “grand plans” of counteroffensives while the Red Army was already taking Berlin.

Trendy Appointments: Australia’s Special Antisemitism Envoy

By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, July 10, 2024

Was there any need for this? Australia’s Albanese government, harried by the conservative opposition for going soft on pro-Palestinian protests and the war in Gaza while allegedly wobbling on supporting Israel, has decided to bring a touch of bureaucracy to the show.

Yes It Was a “False Flag”, “Murder Their Own Soldiers”. Israelis Widely Used “Hannibal Directive” on Oct. 7: Israeli Report

By Al Mayadeen, July 09, 2024

Israeli newspaper Haaretz has reported that during Operation al-Aqsa Flood on October 7, the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) routinely used a command that allowed soldiers to murder their own soldiers, namely the infamous Hannibal Directive.

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