Monday, 28 October 2024

Texas Supreme Court Upholds Ban on Transgender Hormones and Surgery in Children

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Just 48 hours after Dr. McCullough appeared on FOX News primetime TV with commentary on transgender puberty blockers, hormones, and breast/genital surgery, the Texas Supreme Court upheld the statewide ban on age < 18 years transgender programs by vote of 8-1 in a challenge from a lower court.

Dr. McCullough told Jeanine Pirro on the Ingraham Angle:

“the package of transgender medicine (hormones and surgery) is disfiguring, sterilizing, increases the burden of psychiatric disease, and raises all-cause mortality.”



Reported in the New York Times:

“The Texas Supreme Court upheld a state law on Friday that bans gender-transition medical treatment for minors, overturning a lower-court ruling that had temporarily blocked the law and dealing a blow to parents of transgender children.

The court, whose nine elected members are all Republicans, voted 8 to 1 in favor of allowing the law, which passed last year, to remain in effect. It bars doctors from prescribing certain medications to minors, like hormones and puberty blockers, and forbids them from performing certain surgical procedures, like mastectomies, on minors.

Parents of transgender youths, along with gay and transgender advocacy groups, argued that the ban should be blocked because it violated the Texas Constitution, in part by preventing parents from making what they felt were the best medical decisions for their children.

The argument is a powerful one in Texas, where protecting parental rights from government intervention has been an important goal, particularly for conservatives. But the court found that the argument fell short.”

The Texas law, known as Senate Bill 14, is part of a wave of legislation that Republican-controlled states have passed targeting transgender rights, including limits on bathroom use and sports participation and bans on gender-transition care for minors. About two dozen states have passed bans or severe restrictions. Under the Texas law, physicians who offer the treatments may have their medical licenses revoked.”


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