Friday, 18 October 2024

The WHA Adopted Amendments to the IHR. What Now? “The WHA Got What They Wanted”. James Roguski

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“This is a money deal. The lesson that the WHO and Big Pharma learned is that they could suck a lot of money out of a lot of countries and trick a lot of people, but they missed a whole bunch of black and brown people in poor countries, and so they needed an agreement to redirect wealth from unsuspecting governments in wealthy nations (or maybe suspecting I don’t know) and other organizations, to build out their infrastructure in poor nations, so they can go after them (too).” —James Roguski

For many months we have been actively working to stop the International Health Regulations (IHR) amendments from passing at the 77th World Health Assembly (WHA) meeting in Geneva last week. That meeting has now come and gone.

What has happened? Did the WHA pass IHR amendments? Did they advance the Pandemic Preparedness Treaty? What is our current position? What are our next steps to stop medical tyranny and the abuse of men, women and children everywhere?

To answer these questions, I reached out to one of the world’s foremost experts on the WHO: James Roguski. James has kept an endless vigil over the WHO for the past four years. In this conversation James gets straight to the bottom of what has happened with the IHR amendments, what it reveals about the plans of the WHO and their accomplices, and what we should do next.

While many are celebrating things that the WHA did not accomplish last week, we must remain sober and look at what they did accomplish, and what that revealed.

“The WHO got what they wanted. We lost this round. The silver lining is that their cards are on the table, and now we can analyse their plans clearly.”James Roguski

Click here to watch the interview


Here is the International Health Regulations as amended and adopted on 2024-06-01 by the World Health Aseembly. James recommends we pay particular attention to Articles 1, 4, 12, 13, 24, 27, 31, 35, 44, 44bis, 54bis, and Annexes 1, 4, and 6. Original source.

Here is the Resolution. Original source.


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