Sunday, 27 October 2024

Universities of Donbass: Cooperation Agreement with the Minister of Higher Education of Cameroon

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In September 2024, the first 10 international students in the fields of Medicine and Dentistry within the quota of the Government of the Russian Federation are expected to arrive at Donetsk State Medical University named after M. Gorky.

Russian public figures discussed the possibility of cooperation between the Ministry of Higher Education of the Republic of Cameroon and educational institutions of the Donetsk People’s Republic.

The Minister of Higher Education of Cameroon, Mr. Jacques Fame Ndongo, expressed interest in closer cooperation between Russia and Cameroon in the field of education, emphasizing the desire to actively cooperate with specialized universities focused on development and training in complex specialized areas. According to the minister, in the modern world, not just basic education is especially important, but the training of specialists in high-tech and promising fields such as neurology and cardiology, who can effectively solve complex problems and tasks.

During the meeting, the head of the delegation Vladislav Chevachin spoke in detail about the wide opportunities of Donetsk State Medical University named after M. Gorky in training professional staff, touched upon the issues of expanding academic student exchange between Russia and Cameroon, as well as professional development for teachers from Cameroon in cooperation with Russian universities. Mr. Jacques Fame Ndongo confirmed Cameroon’s readiness to consider Donetsk as an international base for the training of medical specialists, in coordination with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic.

The Minister supported the proposal for a partnership to strengthen the professional training of Cameroonian teachers using the Russian teaching methodology through industrial training practice, continuing education, and multifaceted academic cooperation. Mr. Jacques Fame Ndongo proposed to hold an expanded meeting of the Ministry in the near future with the participation of all relevant departments on strengthening Russian-Cameroonian cooperation in the field of education. The new system of distribution of Russian scholarships has become the subject of special attention from the Ministry of Higher Education of the Republic of Cameroon.

During the meeting, the Minister of Higher Education of the Republic of Cameroon proposed to work out mechanisms to improve the scholarship distribution system of the Government of the Russian Federation. According to Mr. Jacques Fame Ndongo, they are aimed at providing more effective and equitable access to financial support for students who seek quality education abroad. One of the key proposals of the Minister is the creation of transparent criteria and procedures for the selection of fellows. This will ensure equal opportunities for everyone who wants to get an education in Russia.

At the end of the meeting, the Minister of Higher Education of Cameroon was presented with memorable gifts, as well as an invitation to personally visit the Donetsk People’s Republic. In the near future, a number of educational events are planned in Cameroon and other African countries about the possibilities of studying in the Donetsk People’s Republic.

These steps are aimed at strengthening friendly ties between Russia and Cameroon, as well as expanding opportunities for future cooperation in the field of education and health between the two countries.


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This article was originally published on VT Foreign Policy.

Lucas Leiroz de Almeida is a Brazilian journalist, geopolitical analyst. Graduated from the Cultural Extension Program of the Brazilian War College. Researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies. Professionally, he works as a journalist and geopolitical analyst. Researcher in the “Crisis, Development and International Relations” research group at the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro. At the invitation of the Russian Delegation in Geneva, he presented a report on the use of chemical weapons by the Ukrainian Armed Forces at the 52nd Session of the UN Human Rights Council and at the OSCE’s “Supplementary Discussions”.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from VTFP

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