Wednesday, 23 October 2024

Video: Israel Signs $3B Deal with US for 25 F-35 for Full-Scale War with Hezbollah and Iran. John J. Mearsheimer

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Interview with Professor Mearscheimer, which points towards a process of military escalation.

“It's no question that the US has joined with Israel because of the Israeli Lobby.

So when the Israelis decided to go on a rampage in Gaza, the US fully supported the Israelis.

Many Israeli generals made it clear that they could not conduct this offensive against the Palestinians in Gaza without the material support (weaponry) that the US is providing them; and furthermore, we're providing them with diplomatic cover. So the US is complicit with what Israel is doing in Gaza.” 


“Let Israel Do the Dirty Work for Us”

In this regard, Israel is largely serving the strategic interests of  the U.S. acting on behalf of Washington. 

America delivers 3 Billion dollars worth of weapons to Israel. And “Israel does the Dirty Work for Us”. 

The dirty work concept is embedded in U.S foreign policy. Let your allies do the Dirty Work for You.

Déjà Vu:

We recall that at the outset of Bush’s Second Term, Vice President Dick Cheney dropped a bombshell, hinting, that Israel would, so to speak: be doing the dirty work for us (paraphrase) without US military involvement and without us putting pressure on them “to do it”.

According to Cheney: 

“The Israelis might well decide to act first, and let the rest of the world worry about cleaning up the diplomatic mess afterwards,”   Cheney said on Inauguration Day.

Those comments followed leaks last September [2004] that the Pentagon was selling Israel 500 bunker buster bombs, which could be used for attacking deeply buried Iranian nuclear facilities. Not mentioned was that this was a routine munitions sale.”


Michel Chossudovsky, June 10, 2024


Watch the interview with Prof. Mearsheimer below.


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