Wednesday, 23 October 2024

War on Gaza and How the US and Israel are “Dehumanizing Human Culture”

Today’s Humanity Is Victim of Powerful Political Cults

The trajectory of daily aerial bombardments, targeted killings of fellow human beings, planned destruction of human habitats and cries for help by innocent children, men and women go unanswered for more than a year. It is madness, inhumanity, complete breakdown and impotence of global organizations such as the UNO and its Security Council and complete indifference of global leaders to challenge the animosities perpetuated by Israel and bombed by using American supplied weapons on the masses who should be protected by the so-called civilized world of the 21st century if there is any left intact.

The global thinking hubs wondered how to avert the tyranny and oppression to safeguard the innocent people of Gaza. President Biden and Secretary Blinken claimed to be deescalating the war in the Middle East and focusing on humanitarian aid desperately needed by the entrapped civilians across Gaza, but they appear preoccupied in sending THAAT and weapons of mass destruction to level Gaza and make it available to Israeli settlers. Their words and actions are self-contradictory, treacherous and misleading as Israel extends bombardment on Lebanon to crush the will of the civilian population for security and survival. Essentials of human survival are being weaponized. The global humanity must be concerned, why Israel is stopping foods, medicine and water supplies to the entrapped civilians in Northern strip and why it is repeatedly bombing the Al-Aqsa hospital and places of worhsip across Gaza? PM Netanyahu and his Far-Right extremists coalition live in a political fantancy not representative of the people of Israel. The contradictions covered up adroit formulation but continue to haunt the Israeli masses for peace and belonging to the land of Palestine: 

People of Israel Feel Denied Freedom and Curse of Political Lies

Ari Shavit (“Israel Takes its Last Breath”, Haaretz, Israel: 10/8/24), clarfies the essence of current affairs: It appears we have passed the point of no return, and it may be that “Israel” can no longer end the occupation, stop colonization, or achieve peace. It seems impossible to reform Zionism, save democracy, and divide the people of this land.

He added: If the situation is as it is, then:

  • There is no reason to live in this country.
  • There is no reason to write in “Haaretz.”
  • There is no reason to read “Haaretz.”
  • We must follow what Rogel Alpher suggested two years ago—leave the country… If “Israelism” and Jewishness are no longer a vital part of one’s identity, and if every Israeli citizen holds a foreign passport, not only technically but psychologically, then it’s over. We should say goodbye to our friends and move to San Francisco, Berlin, or Paris.

    Ari Shavit points out: The curse of lies is what haunts the Israelis, and day after day it strikes them in the face in the form of a knife in the hand of a Jerusalemite, Hebronite, or Nabulsi, or with a stone or from a bus driver from Jaffa, Haifa, or Acre. The Israelis realize they have no future in Palestine; this is not a land without a people as they falsely claimed. Another writer acknowledges not just the existence of the Palestinian people but rather their superiority over the Israelis. This is Gideon Levy, the leftist Zionist, who says this.

    Aluf Benn, Editor, Haaretz: “Israel’s Paradox of Defeat” (Transcend Media: 10/16/24), spells out the fear of common citizens: But even with the IDF occupying about a third of Gaza’s territory, to many Israelis, the current situation feels like defeat. …..This calamitous stasis, coupled with Israel’s growing global isolation and increasingly gloomy economic outlook, contribute to a national sense of hopelessness and despair. In fact, paradoxically, important facets of Israeli politics and society have changed surprisingly little since the immediate aftermath of Hamas’s attack. Citizens of border communities in the north and the south remain unable to return to their homes. Rather than uniting Jewish Israelis against a common external enemy, Israel’s now multifront fight against its external enemies has only widened preexisting social and political fissures between Netanyahu’s opponents and his supporters. Beating the expectations of his foes and his friends alike, Netanyahu continues to act as the center of gravity in Israeli politics. The right-wing coalition that keeps him in power has amped up its quest to crush the Palestinian statehood movement and “replace the Israeli elite,” a euphemism for demolishing Israel’s democratic and liberal institutions. 

    The thinking Israelis are fast awakening to question the doctrine of Zionism, acclaimed Jewish superiority over others and systems of fake democracy. The 21st century age of knowledge and human expectations offer a grim picture of the present and future in-waiting. Israeli citizenry protesting against the war and calling for an immediate ceasefire, return of hostages and peace wants PM Netanyahu to resign alleging he is inept, greedy, self-centered who heavily rely on Israeli extremist policies and practices to undermine their future. Once in power, is Netanyahu irrelevant, problematic and paranoid to see the people’s interests? Biden and Netanyahu both appear to have lost sense of reality and awareness and most importantly, consciousness of the self and the political environment around them. They have become psychopaths who baffle with time and tides of political mismanagement, wars on mankind and destroy cultures and civilizations to overrun those who challenge their obsessed ignorance and viciousness.

    Living time and encompassing realities demanding a navigational change are ignored in political statements, policies and actions. Aggressive cults are working across America and Israel mysteriously as if Joe Biden, Blinken and Netanyahu would have an infinite lifespan. They breathe oxygen in a self-generated conflict zone without any accountability. The cults used them for their own vested interests. Every egoistic leader is an enemy of the self and mankind. Throughout history men of power and influence commit horrible crimes against the humanity of which they are an essential part. Why? The answer lies with their individualistic absolutism and mindset. Is it part of the human nature that man should be cruel against man? We, the People are at a RISK of Extinction. Global warriors are the elite class born to rule – the men of king, who are most often hated and feared and always dream of glory and triumph to achieve at a cost of ruthlessness, triviality and success leading to degeneration and viciousness across the human societies. They are influential to defy accountability for their crimes.

    We, the People, and Earth Sustains Life and Humanity and Our Enemies Destroy It

    The Earth was a Divine “trust” to mankind for its existence, survival and progress. We, the people of the Earth, are standing and moving faster than the speed of sound. It could be hard to imagine or believe it. But you were standing on solid ground, and not in the cockpit of a supersonic jet. At any given moment, we are all moving at a speed of about 1,674 kilometers an hour, thanks to the Earth’s rotation and thanks to the Creator of the Earth.We live on Earth created by God for Man and Humanity and all other living beings: In Chapter 23: verse 72, The Quran makes a vivid revelation:

    “We did indeed offer the Trust to the Heavens and the Earth. And the Mountains but they refused to undertake it, being afraid thereof: But man undertook it; He was indeed unjust and foolish.”

    Western cultures are neglectful of the memory of God and lack rational understanding of the imperatives of living Earth and how it sustains life and humanity and all that could be imagined. Does reason operate the functionalities of the Earth or is it the Command of God to ensure miraculous operations for billions of years? Is it unreasonable to believe in the Divine Revelations and be the People of REASON? Earth’s average orbital speed is about 30 kilometers per second. In other units, that’s about 19 miles per second, or 67,000 miles per hour, or 110,000 kilometers per hour (110 million meters per hour). The earth rotates once every 23 hours, 56 minutes and 4.09053 seconds, called the sidereal period, and its circumference is roughly 40,075 kilometers. Thus, the surface of the earth at the equator moves at a speed of 460 meters per second–or roughly 1,000 miles per hour. Across the varied spectrums of human thoughts hardly any thinking people reflect upon the existing and continuous balanced environmental gases which sustain the living creatures on earth. Our environment contains 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, 0.97% argon and carbon dioxide 0.04% and the air safeguards the atmosphere and life on earth by absorbing ultraviolet solar radiation and reducing the temperature extremes in constant and systematic changing of days and nights. 

    The US and Israel Could be Charged by the ICJ for Crimes Against Humanity and Genocide 

    Wars kill people and destroy human habitats. Yet, the paranoid and most hated maniacs put up a show of war celebrations – a success achieved by strangulating the humanity – cost of ruthlessness, human degeneration and lack of imagination. To glance ahead it seems that the Western world failed to see a dreadful tragic history in the making of the end of time and loss of ingenuity to understand the consequences of naive egoism of Israeli leadership making war as an instrument of territorial expansion and conquest across Palestine, Lebanon and the larger Arab Middle East. If Lebanon had responsible public institutions and leadership they should have formed a legtimate government to encounter the Israeli onslaught. Not so, they appear their own enemies working against the interest of people just like the Arab-Muslim leaders lacking sense of honesty and capacity, unable to challenge the US-Israel war against the helpless masses of Gaza. The Israeli leaders prophesize “greater Israel” and the US hegemoney over the oil exporting Arab states. The Arab-Muslim leaders could well be described as a scum floating on a torrent. If Israel is not stopped, soon the leading oil exporting Arab states could fly Israeli-American flags for a change. Please see “How Arab Leaders Betray Islam and Defy the Logice of Political Change, Peace and Security.”

    The UNO and its Security Council and the EU shamefully became dubious and void in the 21st century global norms of civility, human rights, freedom, justice and safety of civilians. The UNSC resolutions for ceasefire and peace turned out to be a joke to mankind’s hopes as Israel refused to honor them. The US and Israeli leaders are not conscious of their own end game and could be charged and prosecuted for crimes against humanity and genocide. PM Netanyahu and his extremist regime would see Gaza and occupied West Bank more like an experimental lab for that end game. Animals live and do not reflect on the imperatives of life whereas, we, the human beings cannot act like animals as we are supposed to be intelligent and responsible species on this Earth. At the edge of reason, the notion of evil leads to realization of evil and tyranny of war must be stopped by all means and those responsible for the genocide and crimes against humanity must be held accountable to restore the manifestation of a sustainable human future.


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    Birds Not Bombs: Let’s Fight for a World of Peace, Not War 

    Dr. Mahboob A. Khawaja specializes in international affairs-global security, peace and conflict resolution and has spent several academic years across the Russian-Ukrainian and Central Asian regions knowing the people, diverse cultures of thinking and political governance and a keen interest in Islamic-Western comparative cultures and civilizations, and author of several publications including: One Humanity and the Remaking of Global Peace, Security and Conflict Resolution, and a forthcoming book: Global Humanity and the Remaking of Peace, Security and Conflict Resolution beyond the Lens of Human Consciousness.

    Featured image is from Fuad Alymani

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