Tuesday, 14 January 2025

We Are Faced with the Extraordinary Event that Washington Chose to Go to War with Russia

This interview from two days ago explains the dangerous situation into which the Biden Regime has placed life on earth by Washington’s conscious decision to go to war with Russia.

The Russian government made it completely clear that a decision to fire missiles into Russia means the West is at war with Russia.  Nevertheless, the insane West fired missiles into Russia.

Putin responded with a demonstration of a new hypersonic missile that completely destroyed a Ukrainian armaments production facility.  The missile travels at speed that the West has no capability to intercept and was designed to carry nuclear warheads. The message to the West is clear:  If you persist in your war with Russia, you can expect widespread destruction. 

What will the insane West do? Will it come to its senses, or is it more important to widen the war in order to lock Trump in and prevent him from reaching a peaceful end to the conflict?


VIDEO. Paul Craig Roberts US Missiles into Russia -and World War III

The Russian-hating Jew namely Zelensky that Washington installed as its agent in Ukraine is demanding a “strong response” from the West.  In other words, Zelensky is demanding Europe and the US put themselves at risk of destruction simply because Russia responded to a missile attack by the West from Ukrainian soil with a missile attack on a Ukrainian military facility.  What sense does this make?  None.

It is unclear that the American people and those of Europe will survive their acceptance of the theft by the Democrats of the 2020 US presidential election. The consequence of the theft of the presidential election was an insane regime in Washington that has consistently step-by-step widened a local conflict into a war of the West with Russia.

The British have not helped the situation by electing a prime minister as unhinged as Biden. In the West it seems that only Hungary’s Viktor Orban understands the seriousness of the situation.

I will briefly review the situation as Putin has stated it to the Russian people and to the dumbshits ruling in the West.

Putin said the West’s missile attack on Russia drastically changed the nature of the conflict in Ukraine. The conflict has been transformed into a war of the West against Russia.  This intentional decision by the West to go to war with Russia was taken despite Russia’s clear warning.

Putin reminded everyone that the conflict in Ukraine was provoked by Washington which refused Russia’s peaceful approach of the Minsk Agreement and refused Russia’s request for a mutual security agreement.

Putin made the point that Washington and NATO have deliberately escalated the conflict and are making it into global war.

Putin pointed out that Washington has deliberately “destroyed the system on international security” and is “pushing the whole world toward a global conflict.”

Putin made the point that although the West has no defense against Russian missiles, Russia prefers diplomacy to war, but if the West persists in war, the West will suffer the consequences

Certainly, Ukraine’s retention of Donbas, formerly a part of Russia herself that Soviet leaders attached to the Soviet Union’s Ukrainian province, is not worth a devastating, perhaps final, war.  What madness is driving the West’s irresponsible attitude toward life?

It appears to be the neoconservatives’ agenda of US and Israeli hegemony, egged on by profit and power for the US military/security complex and the unrealistic belief of Americans in their invincibility. 

The question before us is:  Will the hubris of the West destroy the World?


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Paul Craig Roberts is a renowned author and academic, chairman of The Institute for Political Economy where this article was originally published. Dr. Roberts was previously associate editor and columnist for The Wall Street Journal. He was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy during the Reagan Administration. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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