Wednesday, 23 October 2024

Why the Workers League Endorses Emanuel Pastreich for President

Emanuel Pastreich’s campaign for US President “Fear No Evil” comes at a crucial moment in history. Humanity faces an inflection point as the forces of global finance push for World War III to solve the deep contradictions created by a bankrupt economic system.

When we look for a candidate in this critical election who has not only spoken out about specific humanitarian horrors but has also identified the ideological and structural causes of this war economy and made concrete proposals for a solution that addresses the imperialist foundations of the American economy, Pastreich stands alone.

The fact that he has been blocked out throughout the election process in the Green Party, and as an independent, using nefarious means, and that he has had to continue the campaign from Japan without getting on the ballot in a single state does not disqualify him in our opinion, but instead gives him legitimacy in an election that is being held amid unprecedented institutional collapse.

In other words, Pastreich’s demands for ethics, accountability, and transparency in government can serve as the foundations for a mass political movement that can achieve what this patently rigged election could not possibly achieve.

The United States stands atop a rotten pile of “Western powers” accustomed to ruling the globe unchallenged, who have relabeled “imperialism” as “aid to developing nations” and who cannot face the prospect of playing second fiddle to the rising Eurasian powers: China, Russia, Iran. They disdain to uphold the principles of international law and diplomacy that they demand of others.

The ruling elites in the USA and Europe, and their quislings in Canada, Australia, Japan and South Korea, have decided that rather than treat the rapidly developing East and Global South (which make up vast majority of humanity and, increasingly, the economy) as a partner, they would rather risk everything in order to hang on to their privileges pushing for total war abroad and a brutal technology-driven totalitarian rule at home.

Emanuel Pastreich opposes not only the nightmare scenario of war with Russia or Iran but also all the wars waged by the West. In his speeches, he highlights how the false concept of growth, the promotion of overproduction, and the glorification of extraction and exploitation push us toward war.

Pastreich makes it clear on his website that he welcomes comprehensive dialogue with all the world’s nations, as indicated by his speeches addressed to the citizens of the earth in 43 languages. Those speeches include tributes to the great civilizations of the world, from Laos to Peria, from Turkey to Nepal, as well as apologies for American war crimes and imperialist exploitation.

Pastreich is making an internationalist, not globalist, appeal for a new age of true cooperation based on citizens’ rights and the diversity of human civilization and that refuses the blood money of banks and corporations.

Pastreich is not in denial about the industrial, manufacturing, scientific, and industrial power of the People’s Republic of China and its synergetic interplay with the economies of the Russian Federation, the Islamic Republic of Iran and others via organizations like BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Ethiopia and the United Arab Emirates) and the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO).

He embraces a new vision for the United States that breaks, in a sense that even Roosevelt and Wallace failed to do, with the ghosts of the British Empire, the multinational banks and trusts pulling our chains whose blood money was wrung from workers over five centuries of exploitation and plunder of the great civilizations of India, Bangladesh, China, Africa and South America.

This global ruling class understands that time is not on their side and that the East and the Global South will surpass them in a rapidly emerging multilateral world.

Pastreich is the only presidential candidate who is fluent in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean, has written extensively in those languages, and delivers speeches in those languages. He feels that respect for all the civilizations of the Earth is essential to peace and that English is no longer a language of absolute status, just as the dollar is no longer the unshakable currency.

Pastreich has spoken out about the exact nature of the COVID operation to destroy civil society through induced mental trauma, to usher in totalitarianism cloaked as healthcare, and to employ supposedly “leftist” parties and organizations as a velvet glove for the steel fist of corporate fascism.

Pastreich stood his ground during the intense repression meted out by the capitalist states during the Covid reign of terror, refusing to embrace the anti-scientific popularism that asserted that evil is the work of Satan, that viruses do not exist, that climate change is myth, and that the crimes we witness are the product of inflexible bureaucrats—rather than global capitalists. His three years of unemployment and life abroad testify to that commitment.

Pastreich asserts that it is not enough to say we will be more careful with vaccinations in the future, but rather we must demand that the assets of the corporations responsible for these state crimes be seized and redistributed to the injured. He declares that corporations do not have any legal status, that Wall Street’s criminal economy must be ended and replaced by a cooperative economy run by the people, and that respect for actual work and for our shared environment must be at the core of the economy.

Pastreich proposes a complete transformation of the working masses’ relationship with large-scale industrial and manufacturing whose ownership is claimed by corporations. He also asserts that private banks cannot control the creation of money that belongs to the people through a transparent and democratically elected Congress.

The rich and powerful have created an impossible choice for the workers. On the one side is a reactionary, pro-business, anti-government, isolationist political culture that degrades the status of workers but that is allowed to recognize the crimes of 9/11, of the Federal Reserve, of false flag shootings, and of Covid 19. On the other side is a progressive political culture that accurately identifies the dangers of capitalism but refuses to acknowledge state crimes and the deep corruption of the entire political and economic system.

Pastreich lays the ground for a movement that will address economic contradictions and state crimes without holding up messiah figures or opposing genuine internationalism. This can only be achieved by eliminating the hidden effective government of the United States and other nations: the multinational banks and multinational corporations.

Pastreich proposes that revolution is the only way forward and that such revolution is legitimated by the Declaration of Independence which established the nation, stating:

“When a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security.”

His efforts to revive the revolutionary elements of the American political tradition, which has currency with citizens, without dismissing the achievements of the Marxist revolutionary tradition, offer real potential for a united front as we enter into an age of revolutionary politics.

We have a choice between a constructive and egalitarian revolution dedicated to the needs of workers or a right-wing “revolution” for the benefit of billionaires such as is being led by Donald Trump and planned by Steve Bannon.


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Featured image is from Korea IT Times

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