Thursday, 16 January 2025

Will Washington Succeed in Opening More War Fronts for Russia? Paul C. Roberts

Western NGOs have sent the Georgian opposition political parties that they finance into the streets to protest the Georgian Dream Party’s sweep of the legislative elections. The Georgian Dream Party favors pragmatic relations with Russia, whereas the collection of small parties financed by the West want to create another Maidan Revolution to open a second front for Washington against Russia. See this.

Russia’s Foreign Minister Lavrov says that there is no reason to doubt that the West is trying to push Georgia into war with Russia. 

Putin-the-Unready rejects claims that Russia interfered in the Georgian election. Putin still hasn’t learned that the role of good democrat makes no impression on the West. Will Putin’s toleration of hostile actions against Russia lead to the opening of a second front against Russia?

The US Defense Department Inspector General has reported that Congress has appropriated $182 billion for Ukraine since February 2022, $43.84 billion of which went for governance and development. “Governance and development” could mean bribes paid to Ukrainians to support military conflict with Russia.

Ukraine has been fighting Russia with Western weapons and targeting information for close to three years. But Putin doesn’t count this as the West being at war with Russia. Drones hitting deep into Russia also don’t count as the West being at war with Russia. The war doesn’t start until Washington begins firing missiles into Russia. Apparently, some weapons are war weapons and some are not.

Standing aside from Washington’s destabilization and overthrow of the Ukrainian government in 2014 has left Putin with an ever-widening war that will be difficult to end without Putin making concessions. What will these concessions be? Washington now has a stake in the outcome, and Trump cannot stand an agreement the media can turn into a Trump defeat from giving in to Putin. The media and Democrats will say that it proves Trump was a Putin agent after all.

The tense situation between Russia and the West cannot be resolved until the conflict in Ukraine is resolved. This dilemma and the huge expense in lives and money associated with the three year war could all have been avoided if Putin had not come up with such an impractical course of action as a limited military operation that allowed Kiev to continue the war.  We would have a better situation today if Putin had struck hard enough to bring the conflict to a quick end before the West could get involved with its prestige committed.

Putin’s dilly-dallying has made Russia look weak, and it has given Washington time to stir up new fronts for Russia in Georgia and Abkhazia. There will be a price to be paid for this dilly-dallying.

Meanwhile the US Democrat Party has revived the “Russian agent” hoax. This time the targets are Elon Musk and Tulsi Gabbard. See this, this, and this.


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Paul Craig Roberts is a renowned author and academic, chairman of The Institute for Political Economy where this article was originally published. Dr. Roberts was previously associate editor and columnist for The Wall Street Journal. He was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy during the Reagan Administration. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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