Thursday, 16 January 2025

World War III Is On But the Empire Has Already Lost


We have seen many dire warnings that the crises in Ukraine and the Middle East risk escalation into World War III, a war between the U.S. and its “allies” vs. Russia, Iran, and China (RIC), three nations labeled officially by U.S. military propaganda as “threats” or “adversaries.” Not far behind on the hit list are North Korea, Venezuela, and a host of fence-sitting nations from the “Global South.”

I contend that the hot phase of WWIII actually began with the inauguration of U.S. President Joe Biden on January 20, 2021.

A more accurate name for what the U.S. is fronting is the Anglo-American-Zionist Empire, whose aim for over a century, as we shall analyze,  has been total world conquest.

In today’s warnings, World War III is equated with a global nuclear conflict. Of course, since the end of World War II, a nuclear “first strike” on Russia by U.S. military planners has never been off the table.

If we can say that World War III has already begun, I contend that we can also say that the Empire and its signature globalist ideology have already lost. The Empire is imploding. The globalists are in a panicked retreat, trying to cover their rear ends with noise, threats, provocations, and bluster.

The question then becomes, what happens next? I contend that the sequel has also already begun and is revealing itself within the U.S. as the American Civil War II, which is arguably a continuation of the Civil War of 1861-1865. This should not be surprising, as history repeats itself in long waves that engage the same underlying forces.

Europe has also begun to liberate itself from the Empire to which it has been subservient for a century. Besides Russia, the focal point of the next phase of European history is likely the German-speaking world.

But will the Empire blow up the world first?

Where Is the “Declaration of War”?

The more-than-semantic difficulty is that even though the U.S. has been at war with somebody almost continuously since World War II, “war” has never been declared by Congress, such declaration seeming to naïve people as being required for armed conflict by that relic of bygone days, the U.S. Constitution.

Instead, there have been various congressional “resolutions” authorizing force, such as the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution during the Vietnam War or the 2001Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF), days after 9/11. (Here we’ll refrain from talking about “false flags.”)

Soon after 9/11, the U.S. invaded Afghanistan and Iraq, bombed Libya, and inserted proxy jihadist forces into Syria against its legitimate government, with no congressional declaration of war. These conflicts came after the U.S./U.K./NATO destroyed Yugoslavia, finishing it off with Bill Clinton’s 1999 bombing campaign against Serbia. Not to mention U.S. support of a mind-numbing quantity of “color revolutions” fomented by the CIA and other Deep State agencies, including NGOs run by the Soros gang and multiple “think tanks” like RAND, to overthrow insufficiently-compliant regimes via “democratic” street demonstrations, etc. U.S. support of jihadist groups like ISIS has also been part of the mix, including in Syria and against Russia in Georgia and Ukraine.

So how in this environment of lunacy and ambiguity do you tell when a war has really begun? The problem became worse when initiativeslike the Wolfowitz Doctrine (1992—see below) opened the door to preemptiveattacks on countries that just might beplotting harm to the U.S. How could you even get a congressional resolution tojustify that? With the aforesaid “first strike” on Russia, it would bedifficult to gain surprise while the action was being debated in Congress!

Semantics aside, many aver that a full-blown hot world war may be in the offing, not just the U.S. picking off what they think are low-hanging fruit. Journalist Pepe Escobar defines what is happening as a final showdown between the Empire, which he calls the “Hegemon,” and Eurasia, with the RIC at its core and the growing BRICS+ community also coming into play.

Escobar writes from the standpoint of the Middle East crisis: “The Hegemon is calculating for a World War to halt multipolarity. It supports Israel’s Gaza genocide as a necessary evil to win hard in West Asia, figuring who’s going to care once the war goes global?

Conflict in Ukraine

The Ukrainian conflict is a proxy war by the U.S. and its NATO allies against Russia, with Ukrainian soldiers dying by the hundreds of thousands to satisfy U.S. desires in a vain attempt to weaken Russia and bring about regime change against the leadership of Vladimir Putin. Russia would then be Balkanized into a collection of “statelets” subservient to Western economic power.

The Ukrainian conflict is an extension of the U.S. desire to bring about a strategic defeat of Russia and thereby gain final victory in a rivalry that began with the post-World War II Cold War, was extended through the collapse of the Soviet Union during the 1990s, and continued with the push of NATO to the borders of Russia. Next to join NATO were to be Ukraine and Georgia, with Belarus also targeted, opening the door to the stationing of nuclear weapons on Russia’s doorstep.

Actually, the rivalry with Russia dates to the British “great game,” where Britain saw the expanding Russian Empire as endangering British hegemony in the Middle East and India. Napoleon tried to harness Russia in his own series of wars against Britain, an attempt which failed. By the time of World War I, the weakened and humiliated post-Napoleonic France had become subservient to the British imperium.

Today’s European war began with the U.S.-sponsored overthrow of Ukraine’s neutral regime in the pro-Western “Maidan” coup of 2014. Then came the arming and training of the Ukraine armed forces (AFU) by NATO, then the AFU’s assault on the Russian-speaking Donbass region of eastern Ukraine taking us into 2022. With this provocation, and the refusal of Ukraine, Germany, and France to uphold the UNSC-approved Minsk Accords, came the Russian invasion of Donbass in its Special Military Operation starting in February 2022. Russia annexed Crimea in 2014, location of its Black Sea port of Sevastopol, followed by four eastern Ukrainian oblasts in 2022. Each annexation was approved by popular vote.

U.S. President Joe Biden labeled the Russian invasion as “unprovoked.” It has been longstanding practice of the U.S. in war to goad the adversary into attacking first in order to persuade the voting public that the U.S. or its military was not at fault. This was done, for instance, by the Roosevelt administration when it beguiled Japan into attacking at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. Something similar was done in provoking the 2022 Russian attack on Ukraine.

These events are documented in my recent book Our Country, Then and Now (Clarity Press, 2023).

The U.S. and its NATO partners deny that they are “parties” to the Ukraine war. But the massive amount of money, munitions, and other forms of support, including multiple anti-Russian economic sanctions, make it clear that without continual U.S. and NATO complicity, the war would be lost by Ukraine within weeks or even days. Sanctions against Russia, along with sabotage of the Nord Stream pipelines, have weakened the economies of Germany, Britain, and the E.U., while Russia has actually benefitted from increased economic self-reliance and the opening of new markets for Russian gas and oil.

The claim that the U.S. and NATO are not parties to the war is a lie perpetrated by the U.S., Britain, and their echo-chamber media. And the fact that the war has brought two nuclear-armed superpowers face-to-face in what for Russia at least is an existential conflict may confirm us in asserting that World War III in fact is underway. It can also be said that if Ukraine falls, so does NATO, and without NATO, the U.S. must revert to being an insular power. The best assessment of the Ukraine conflict has come from Andrei Martyanov, whose book America’s Final War (Clarity Press, 2024) I am in process of reviewing.

Israel and the Middle East

This brings us to Israel and the Middle East.

Yours truly, along with many others, were taken by surprise by the attack by Hamas against Israel, carried out on October 7, 2023. It has not yet been determined the extent to which Israel had prior warning of the attack, meaning that by allowing it, Israel and the IDF would have been executing a “false flag.” Others, including some in Hamas, have stated that October 7 was a preemptive attack against an Israel already plotting a genocidal assault against the Palestinians in order to hasten the creation of Eretz Israel, the seizure of oil and gas resources along the Gazan coastline, and the building of a new canal from the Red Sea to the Mediterranean.

The massive IDF retaliation, seen by much of the world as confirming its genocidal intentions against the Palestinians both in Gaza and the West Bank, showed a level of desperation unknown in Israel since the 1973 Yom Kippur War. As with Ukraine, neither Israel nor the IDF could survive a day without U.S. financial and military support, always guaranteed to be approved by the U.S. government—the president and Congress—by the overwhelming power of AIPAC and the Israel Lobby. This lobby is just as strong, though less overt, in the U.K.

What is new to Western public consciousness is the presence in and around Israel of the “Axis of Resistance,” made up not only of Hamas, but also of non-state actors in Lebanon—Hezbollah, and in Yemen—the Houthis (Ansar Allah), plus PMU militias in Iraq, all backed by the governments of Syria and Iran. Since October 8, 2023, Hezbollah, Yemen, and Iran have exposed Israel’s vulnerability to missile assault. Emigration by its citizens out of Israel is growing by the day, with tens of thousands displaced from their homes, while meanwhile the Israeli economy is collapsing.

As Pepe Escobar has indicated, the Israel government headed by Benjamin Netanyahu, seems to be trying to provoke a major regional war between the U.S. and Iran, thereby leading to a hot regional or world war. Netanyahu is backed by U.S. Neocons, who have been agitating ferociously for war with Iran for decades.

My own personal contacts with informants in the region have made it clear that they have no doubt whatsoever, that the “settler state” of Israel is on the cusp of being destroyed. For definitive detail, see Fadi Lama’s article in his personal Substack: Israel: The Jewish Settler State in the Levant: A Prognosis. Fadi Lama is one of the principals of the Three Sages Substack. Also see the on-line publication The Cradle and its series of commentaries on the war.

Presently in dire jeopardy is the project some believe has been in place during the entire history of Zionism, whereby those who control the Rabbinic Talmud will someday become the rulers of mankind. After all, they have already conquered America, Great Britain, and much of Western Europe ideologically. What irony, if their home base—Israel—were now to cease to exist, an outcome ranked as possible, if not likely, by numerous commentators. For a more complete explanation of the historical roots of the crisis, the classic source is British journalist Douglas Reed’s The Controversy of Zion.

So Has WWIII Begun?

In my estimation, the situation involving Israel and the Middle East, added to Ukraine, both reaching the boiling point after Biden’s inauguration, mark the start of World War III. With the U.S. seeming to be behind the 8-ball in these conflicts, the crazies very well could push the nuclear button rather than to face the consequences of the Empire’s collapse. Another factor is the ongoing loss of U.S. dollar hegemony at the hands of BRICS+ and other nations.

The circumstances that incite the West to its present state of growing panic have been brilliantly documented by Fadi Lama in his book WHY THE WEST CAN’T WIN: From Bretton Woods to a Multipolar World (Clarity Press, 2019).

For additional background, see my own analysis Is World War Three About to Start? on VT Foreign Policy along with Is World War Three About to Start or Has It Already?

[This is Part I of a seven-part series.]


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This article was originally published on VT Foreign Policy.

Richard C. Cook is a co-founder and lead investigator for the American Geopolitical Institute.  Mr. Cook is a retired U.S. federal analyst with extensive experience across various government agencies, including the U.S. Civil Service Commission, FDA, the Carter White House, NASA, and the U.S. Treasury. As a whistleblower at the time of the Challenger disaster, he exposed the flawed O-ring joints that destroyed the Shuttle, documenting the event in his book “Challenger Revealed.” After serving at Treasury, he became a vocal critic of the private finance-controlled monetary system, detailing his analysis in “We Hold These Truths: The Hope of Monetary Reform.” He served as an advisor to the American Monetary Institute and worked with Congressman Dennis Kucinich to advocate for replacing the Federal Reserve with a genuine national currency. See his new book giving a revisionist view of U.S. history: Our Country, Then and Now, Clarity Press, 2023.

Featured image is from VTFP

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