Tuesday, 18 March 2025

Your Vital Role in the Decorporatisation of the Food Chain

I am starting this article with information that will make you aware of the provenance for around 90% of all foods that you purchase while shopping at leading super and hypermarkets chains.

The reality of what your food choices mean – on the ground – may never have occurred to you. But the reality is that by making supermarket chain stores your first choice for food purchases, you have unwittingly become complicit in the creation of vast desert like tracts of land heavily sprayed with toxic agrichemicals.

The soils on these superstore supplying farms have been rendered devoid of life.  The crops grow only because of heavy applications of synthetic nitrogen salts. 

No worms, no insects, no life. No enriching soil borne microorganisms or microflora. They have been wiped-out by the products of Big Pharma and the weapons of the agrichemical corporation war chest.

The farmers using them have been made to believe that they are being ‘progressive’ and ‘efficient’ by adopting this government and corporate led intensive chemical regime, designed to replace time honored benign traditional farming methods.

Exactly the same tragic story prevails in the livestock sector.  Unless you are stipulating organic, your pork and poultry purchases originate in animal concentration camps. Vast sunless sheds in which antibiotics and other drugs are prescribed prophylactically to keep their recipients alive for the three to five months which is the maximum duration of their tragically short existences.

No doubt you will also not realize that by shopping in the predatory supermarkets you have become a causative agent in the death of the small and medium sized family farms that still have respect for crop rotations, the use of natural farm animal manures and humane outdoor livestock rearing.

Your mostly selfish ‘consumer convenience’ habits have changed the entire topography of your country; its once natural environment, its living biodiversity, its beauty, fragrant scents and natural productivity.

They have all been sacrificed for the monocultural mass production of foods rendered toxic by chemical and genetic engineered denaturing of the plant kingdom. A process that only enriches those vast corporations that develop and manufacture them – and the supermarkets that sell the vitamin and nutrient depleted end products.

Everything and everyone else, including the farmer, is on the loosing end of this soulless production line.

What is being purchased is still ‘food’, granted. But apart from pro-ecological and organic-raised meat, vegetables and cereals, it is undermining your health and the natural environment at least as much as it is supporting your body’s energetic needs.

Into this already dystopian reality comes the next series of disasters to befall what still goes under the name of ‘agriculture’.

Roll back the curtain on 2025 and take a closer look at the state of play of what is already – or is about to – land up on your dinner plate.

Due to top-end political adoption of that great scam called ‘Net Zero’, the architects of control have decreed that growing food in properly nourished soils and raising farm animals on green pastures that all good farmers have always recognized as ‘the natural way’ – and still do –  is contributing to ‘global warming’ and must be phased out. Much of it by 2030.

Excessive CO2, they falsely state, is being released by following these time honored methods of producing the foods we eat. While cows are accused of releasing methane – another natural gas like CO2 – and consequently must wear Covid style face nappies to restrict their ‘emissions’, prior to being removed from agriculture all together.

Traditional small and medium sized non corporate family farms – that are doing the least harm to nature and producing the most nutritious foods – are the first in the firing line for rapid extinction.

What you find in the supermarkets does not come from these sort of farms. As already explained, it comes from the large scale factory style corporate and profit driven models that are destroying both the food and the natural environment at the same time.

The cabal, whose roots are in pharmaceuticals, big banking, agrichemichals, genetic engineering and the top end of power politics, are the ‘stakeholders’ of the global food chain. 

Their policies were already formulated back in 1972 at secretive sessions of the Club of Rome, the Bilderberg annual select group gatherings and later at the Davos World Economic Forum. Policies now going under the name of The Great Reset, Green New Deal and Fourth Industrial Revolution.

Their ultimate end point goes way beyond food and farming – to the emergence of a digitally controlled IT slave race: the Transhuman agenda. 

One has to stretch one’s mind in order to be able to recognize the lines of connection that lead from controlling the food chain to bringing about a full IT take-over of the main arteries of planetary communication and control. But this is the meaning and the intent of ‘The Great Reset’.

Central to the unfolding of these policies is population reduction, absolute control over every aspect of what we ingest at the dinner table, and ultimate ownership of the land plus its transformation into a playground for the cabal’s ego magnified dreams – in which food providing farmers are to be a slave community appendage. 

To achieve this, an increasingly high percentage of the human diet is to be shifted to laboratory produced and genetically engineered synthetic foods, insects and bugs. Already gene altered synthetic meat and milk is under laboratory production and on the market in five countries, including the USA and UK, with crushed insects part of the ingredients of various processed foods.

The latest genetic modification techniques are, at this very time, being ushered into existence by the European Commission and already exist in the USA, in spite of strong resistance.

Food still raised on farms will increasingly be planted, fertilized, sprayed and harvested by robots. It will happen on those farms that currently supply the supermarkets where you do your shopping. 

I am not predicting this. I am telling you what Klaus Schwab and his henchmen at the WEF have laid-out. You can find it by researching, from authentic non MSM sources, the goals of Agenda 2030 and Net Zero by 2045.


What are the Sustainable Development Goals?



This agenda is signed up to by all world leaders – the Davos set – who have committed to put their countries at the service of the false flag called ‘global warming’.

Most of them have given no attention to the details of what they are signing up to. They are too preoccupied with the power politics of the exclusive club of which they are members.

Facing up to this reality should be top of your agenda. Actions must be taken to ensure our chance of having access to a reasonable diet and some individual and collective management of our destinies as sentient autonomous human beings.

If you want an immediate reason not to return to your favorite convenience superstore, just reread the information contained in this article. Absorb it. Act on it.

Although I’ve done my best to describe the devastation one is complicit in bringing about by giving one’s money to the leading advocates of a denatured, toxic and sterile food chain, it has only been possible to present a general overview of the dire state this has on human and environmental health.

I have offered no incite into what is to become of that community of bona fide caring farmers whose skill, knowledge and determination to provide ‘real food’ is more ‘a way of life’ than a way of making money.

They still exist, in all countries. But very soon they won’t, unless you directly support their survival.

Many farmers don’t understand that their lives and enterprises are right now in the gun sights of the architects of global control, and that national politicians are puppets of this same cabal.

So only you and I can save them. Once they go (are forced off the land) there will be no ‘real food’ left. Which means you and your families will have nowhere and no one to turn to, to survive.

There will only be proscribed synthetic laboratory and gene altered products of the vast corporate behemoths owned and run by those who one sees at the World Economic Summit, United Nations and World Health organization gatherings and global banker conventions.

Shop for your food at local farmers’ markets; farm shops; vegetable box schemes; traditional fresh food markets; direct from the farm itself; farmer linked cooperatives and from independent smaller retailers that stock quality foods.

Support the survival – the existence – of the farmers who will quite literally be your life line support system in the very near future.

Act now. If you can’t grow your own food, at least play your part in growing the resistance. Because there will be no future unless you step forward to create it.


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Julian Rose is an early pioneer of UK organic farming, a writer, international activist and broadcaster. See website www.julianrose.info for information about Julian’s acclaimed book Overcoming the Robotic Mind and other works. Books can be purchased by contacting Julian direct: see ‘contact author’ under ‘reviews’. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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