Monday, 28 October 2024

Eight Puppies Abandoned in Sweltering Texas Heat Rescued by Deputies and Ready for New Homes

Tarrant County Sheriff’s Office, retrieved from Facebook

In Fort Worth, a derelict litter of puppies was rescued by police officers from roasting in the heat of a 100-degree day.

Left by their previous owner closed in a carrier without water, they were fortunate enough to be found by a good Samaritan who called the authorities. Tarrant County police and animal control arrived to take custody and get some fluids into the pups.

The police noted that the parking lot where the puppies were found lacked the necessary security camera coverage to ascertain the identity of whatever pathological owner left them there.

“The puppies that were rescued from a carrier in 100-degree weather by Tarrant County Sheriff’s Office are doing much better,” the department shared on Facebook, complete with a picture of Officer Haley Drew smiling with her arms overloaded with furballs.

The puppies are currently recovering at Chuck & Brenda Silcox Animal Care and Adoption Center, according to another post, and will be ready for adoption, they believe, in a week’s time.

Officer Drew’s colleague on the scene, Collin Stephenson, has already expressed his interested in adopting one.

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Silcox Center believes the puppies to be some kind of shepherd mix, and named each one after a famous chip brand, including Frito, Dorito, Ruffles, Cheeto, Lays, Pringle, and Itz.

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Abandonment of a non-livestock animal in Texas is classed as a third-degree felony, punishable by a $10,000 fine and 2-10 years in prison.

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