Thursday, 24 October 2024

Mystery Group Prowls Community Conducting Mischievous Kindness: Stealing, Restoring, and Returning Garden Gnomes

The restored gnomes – Kelly Blair / Submitted

Mischief reigns in a small Canada community after a kipnapping left a man’s garden vacant of the ten ceramic garden gnomes that resided there.

Kelly Blair, a resident of Kelowna, B.C., woke up on a late June morning to discovery his garden gnomes had been stolen from his yard. Blair was distressed as he had also lost a canoe several weeks back, and now figured his neighborhood was no longer safe.

He had enjoyed the gnomes’ company for years, and would miss their weathered, beaten down faces.

Then, on July 3rd, a knock was heard on the back door. Opening it, Blair beheld a mysterious old woman, standing stock still holding out an envelope addressed to “The Homeowner.”

Admitting she could answer none of Blair’s questions, he opened the envelope to discover a paper silhouette of a gnome with the words “Gnome Restoration Society” written down the middle.

The woman, remaining tight lip, led Blair to the back of her truck where, arranged neatly in boxes, he saw all his gnomes smiling back at him from behind fresh coats of paint.

“The gnomes are home,” said Blair, to Black Press, “It just totally made my day.”

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The mesenger said the folks want to remain anonymous, and apart from that she had no information to give Blair, who said he was amazed at the exquisite detail and pristine restoration these mischief makers undertook on behalf of his garden gnomes.

“The detail is just incredible.”

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Blair said he would like to thank all those involved in the gnome restoration project.

“Thank you so much for this random act of kindness.”

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