Left: American Orphanage leaders Davy Lloyd, 23, and Natalie Lloyd, 21, both of whom were murdered in Haiti. Right: Haitian Pastor Jude Montis, 45, with his wife and two children, aged 2 and 6. Montis was also murdered.
by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News
In a tragic story that made headline news this past week, three leaders of a Haitian Orphanage were reportedly murdered by gangs in Haiti.
Davy Lloyd, age 23, and his wife Natalie Lloyd, 21, were the American leaders of the orphanage who were killed, as well as Pastor Jude Montis, age 45, who was the Haitian director of the orphanage of Missions in Haiti, Inc., an American non-profit corporation started by Davy's parents in 2001, who are the directors of the corporation.
This story has been extensively covered in the corporate media with very little derivation from the original AP story that reported the incident.
We really do not know the story that is behind these murders, as the deceased are portrayed as innocent victims of random gang violence in Haiti, which is reportedly common these days.
And while that is probably true, it ignores the larger issue of the presence of Christian orphanages in Haiti that have been shown in the past to be part of the huge child trafficking network operating out of Haiti.
In my research of Missions in Haiti, Inc., which is headquartered in Oklahoma, I could find no evidence of any known intentional child trafficking operating out of their business.
However, it is widely known that such Christian organizations have been used in the past to traffick children.
Much of this was revealed back in 2010, just after a massive earthquake hit Haiti, when Evangelical Christian Laura Silsby along with American Baptist missionaries from Idaho tried to traffick 33 children out of Haiti, claiming they were “orphans.”
They were also working with the Clinton Foundation. (One source here.)
Since this time, some organizations have begun to investigate the 30,000 + children living in orphanages in Haiti, which they claim is a form of “child trafficking.”
The Business of “Parentless” Children: Haiti’s Orphanage Crisis
A country vulnerable to natural disasters and plagued by political instability and corruption, Haiti was estimated to have a poverty rate of 52.3% percent in 2021 and ranked 179 out of 180 in the UN’s 2020 Human Development Index.
Haiti’s natural disasters, namely earthquakes, hurricanes and floods, have caused extensive damage to civilian infrastructure and perpetuated its economic insecurity.
Although private “orphanages” have existed for years prior, the three years following Haiti’s major earthquake in 2010 saw more than a doubling of child institutions in the country, increasing from 300 orphanages to 752 in 2013 alone.
This pervasive poverty and homelessness crisis has led to a total of at least 30,000 Haitain children living in orphanages.
About 80% percent of those children, contrary to the meaning of “orphan,” have at least one living parent. Unable to sustain their children’s wellbeing, these parents are persuaded to relinquish them to privately-run orphanages that promise the children will receive shelter, food and education.
This is often not the outcome. Instead, the children living in Haiti’s orphanages face exploitation and trafficking unintentionally funded by foreign donors.
“This orphanage business – where orphanages are established and recruit children to raise donations from foreigners – is becoming increasingly recognised globally as a form of trafficking,” says Jamie Vernaelde of Lumos, an NGO advocating for the end of institutionalization of children.
The orphanage directors pay individuals called “child finders” to single out struggling families and recruit the children into orphanages, convincing the parents of a better life and occasionally providing $75 as compensation.
Lumos reports speaking with children living in orphanages who said they were often beaten, denied adequate food and prevented from learning English so they could not interact with foreign volunteers, missionaries and tourists. One girl said she had to pay her school fees through prostitution. Others reported being forced to cook and clean and never attending school. (Source.)
More articles on this topic:
Charities and voluntourism fuelling 'orphanage crisis' in Haiti, says NGO
A Form of Child Trafficking in Haiti: The Orphanage Business
Child Trafficking and Adoption in Haiti
I did not find any evidence on the Missions in Haiti website that they were adopting children out to the U.S., but they do solicit funds from the U.S. to pay for the orphanage compound in Haiti, which includes dorms, a school, a church, and a bakery, originally a $1 million investment according to their IRS filings.
Much like State Adoption agencies in the U.S. where children in the foster care system are photographed and then published on the Internet for parents to purchase through adoption, such as this one:

Image from Adoption.com
so too many of these orphanages in Haiti photograph children and publish them online encouraging American Christians to “sponsor” them with a monthly contribution that then helps fund the orphanage.
While I have not lived in Haiti myself, I have lived in other poor countries where child-sponsorship programs similar to this operate, and it usually is not what people back in the U.S. who fund these programs believe them to be based on these advertisements.
Foreign (American) money almost always corrupts the local culture, and how do they decide which children receive these benefits as a “sponsored” child and which ones do not? How do the less attractive (photographically) children feel when they are not picked by an American sponsor?
Of the ones who are chosen, what kind of stigmatism is attached to these children who get to live in these rich (by local standards) foreign compounds, where they eat better than the rest of their family and friends, dress better, and are educated in Evangelical Christian schools?
Also pervasive in Evangelical Christian teaching about Haiti, is that the nation is “cursed” because they “made a pact with the Devil” when they negotiated their freedom as slaves under the French.
The late Pat Robertson taught this just after the 2010 earthquake that sent so many Christian “missionaries” to Haiti.
Robertson actually said that the earthquake may have been a blessing, because now they could “build back better” and overcome the curse.
Haitian Children and Child Sex Trafficking
While there is no evidence I am aware of that Missions in Haiti, Inc. is involved in trafficking Haitian children to the United States, there is evidence that this does happen routinely with other Christian organizations.
Here are a few of them.
Clinton-Backed Haiti Pastor Indicted on Child Sex Charges
Corrigan Clay – a U.S. pastor who moved to Haiti and adopted two orphans – has been arrested on child sex abuse charges against one of his children.
Corrigan is the co-founder of the “Apparent Project”, a non-profit charity organization established by his ex-partner Shelley Jean.
The group has been visited and supported by former U.S. President Bill Clinton, who is also believed to have helped fund another of the pair’s entities, Papillion Enterprise, through Clinton Foundation grants.
In January 2021, child welfare authorities in Florida alleged that 43-year-old James Corrigan Clay, pastor, and philanthropist, had “abused” and “sexually assaulted” one of his underage children whom he had raised with ex-partner Shelley Jean. Clay was arrested March 10th this year by federal agents, according to an unsealed indictment first released on Thursday by The Daily Beast. (Source.)
Haiti missionary sentenced to 23 years for child sex abuse
A Mennonite missionary from Virginia who lived in Haiti for more than a decade has been sentenced to 23 years in prison for child sexual abuse in the impoverished Caribbean nation, officials said.
James Arbaugh, 40, of the small Virginia town of Stuarts Draft is the latest American missionary to receive a hefty sentence for taking advantage of Haiti’s extensive poverty and anemic rule of law to sexually abuse vulnerable youngsters.
Earlier this year, he pleaded guilty in federal court to one count of traveling in foreign commerce from the U.S. to Haiti to engage in illicit sexual conduct with a child. He was sentenced Monday.
Brian Benczkowski, who leads the Justice Department’s criminal division, described Arbaugh as a “wolf in sheep’s clothing.”
“He posed as a selfless missionary when in reality he was exploiting his position to prey on and sexually abuse vulnerable children in one of the most impoverished areas of the world,” Benczkowski, an assistant attorney general, said in a news release. (Full article.)
American founder of Haiti orphanage pleads not guilty to sex abuse, detained in Miami
The American founder of an orphanage in Haiti pleaded not guilty on Tuesday to new federal charges accusing him of traveling from Miami to the island and sexually assaulting four underage boys under his care more than a decade ago.
But during his detention hearing in Miami federal court, a prosecutor said Michael Karl Geilenfeld “sexually abused 20 boys” at his orphanage and then threatened them not to say anything or they would be harmed.
“We have multiple people saying the defendant sexually abused them in the same way,” Justice Department prosecutor Eduardo Palomo told a federal judge.
Palomo argued that Geilenfeld, who was granted a bond by a magistrate judge in Denver before his recent transfer to Miami, should not be released before trial because he’s a danger to the community and a flight risk to the Caribbean. (Source.)
Again, I am not aware of any child sex abuse happening with Missions in Haiti, but I am also tired of the poor journalism that is exercised so often when it involves Evangelical Christians who tend to get a free pass and the benefit of the doubt with anything regarding child trafficking which is the norm in the Foster Care and the CPS system in the U.S., and the orphanage and overseas adoption businesses.
Christians are just as likely to be involved in child sex abuse as any other class of people in our society, and maybe even more so for the leaders of Christian ministries who have access to children.
If you do a search on the Internet for “Pastors” who have been arrested for child sex crimes, for example, you will literally get MILLIONS of examples.
I have created a short video documenting some of these stories from just the past year.
This is on our Bitchute channel, and also on our Telegram channel.
Missionaries to Haiti: We Want Your Children, but Not Their Mothers
In covering this issue of Christian child trafficking through adoption and foster care for the past 5 years, I have repeatedly shown how evil this child trafficking network is that Evangelical Christians participate in, and how they even try to use the Bible to justify what they are doing.
It's called “Orphan Care.” See:
Christian Churches Redefine the Meaning of “Orphan” to Justify Participating in Child Trafficking
They use a verse in the Bible to justify this child trafficking from James:
Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world. (James 1:27)
This verse clearly deals with TWO classes of people: Orphans and Widows.
But they only apply it one, “orphans,” and the children they put the “orphan” label on are almost never true orphans, because most of them still have at least one parent living, and of the ones who do not, they all have some extended family somewhere.
The widows, however, which can be defined as a single mother family without the presence of a father, are almost NEVER taken care of. These Christian agencies just want the mom's babies, but not her.
Many of these mothers are coerced to give up their children, or are convinced that their children will have a better life growing up with American Christians.
Consider this article published in 2016 by a “missionary doctor” at Christianity Today who works in Haiti:
Missionary Doctor: Abstinence Isn’t Always an Option
When sex is forced on women, contraception becomes a form of compassion.
Earlier this year, David Vanderpool, a Christian doctor who lives and works in Haiti, told NPR’s All Things Considered he believes birth control and vaccines—not abortion—will be the best responses to the spread of Zika. The mosquito-borne virus appears linked to birth defects, so some countries have recommended women delay pregnancy for up to two years. The Zika outbreak has drawn attention to efforts to improve birth control access—especially in areas where vulnerable women are forced into sex. (Source.)
How sad that the “Orphan Care” movement in Evangelical Christianity redefines “Orphan” to mean any child who lives in poverty and can come live and grow up in an American-funded orphanage compound learning how to become an American Evangelical Christian with all expenses paid, but that these same programs do not expand the meaning of “widow” from the very same verse in the Bible, to include the helpless mothers of these “orphans”.
No, for these women who are raped and exploited, they get vaccines and contraceptives, and then sent back into the same abusive environments.
The message from Evangelicals is very clear: we'll take your babies, but not you.
When I was reading some of the newsletters from Missions in Haiti, I noticed how they asked their supporters to contact their representatives in DC to send in the U.S. military to restore order in Haiti.
Also, please write your U. S. Representative and Senator and ask them to get the U.S. military involved in putting down these gangs. (Source.)
But isn't the U.S. military the source of the problem in Haiti, and not the solution?
How much longer can this dying Empire of the United States continue trying to control the affairs of nations around the world through our endless wars and nation-building?
As I wrote in the article on Christian “Orphan Care” back in 2019, it was Harry and Bertha Holt who started the modern overseas Christian adoption programs back in the 1950s after the Korean War.
U.S. military men produced many Korean babies from Korean women during the war, and these “half-breed” Korean babies were stigmatized in Korean culture, so the Holts, with the help of the U.S. Congress, began “adopting” these Korean babies, which began Holt International, which today has revenues of $28 million a year as one of the largest adoption agencies in the world.
So this was a “problem” in Korea that was caused by our U.S. Military, and the “solution” was to take these babies out of their country and bring them to America, without their mothers.
In recent years there have been some efforts in Korea to promote more local adoptions, but according to the Institute for Policy Studies, financial benefits to South Korea allow American adoptions to continue:
Despite promoting domestic adoption since 2005, South Korea remains a top five sending country to the United States accounting for almost 13 percent of all 2010 overseas adoptions. Adoptions from South Korea generate $35 million annually with a single overseas adoption today averaging $15,000. By contrast, the Korean government provided an unwed mother in 2009 with only 50,000 won (about $48) per month to care for her child. The money from one overseas adoption would pay an unwed mother’s family subsidy for 25 years of her child’s life.
Although the total revenue generated from an estimated 220,000 children is unknown, today’s prices suggest $3.3 billion as a rough sketch. A fuller picture would include unreported cash donations to strengthen inter-agency relationships leading to continuous child referrals, as well as the cost savings associated with exporting the children’s and their families’ social welfare needs. South Korea spends only 6.9 percent of its GDP on social welfare – the least among OECD nations. It allocated only 0.09 percent of its 2009 fiscal budget to support its children. (Source.)
But 90% of these Korean mothers did not want to give up their babies, but were pressured to do so.
At first, the women do not want to give up their babies. According to the questionnaire that we distribute at the orientation interview, 90 percent want to keep the babies, says Kim Yong sook, the director of Ae Ran Won.
But after counseling, maybe 10 per cent will keep them.
We suggest that it’s not a good idea to keep the baby without the biological father, explains Kim Yong Sook, and if the unwed mother and biological father are too young or too weak financially, we suggest that they give the baby up for adoption. We can’t push, we can suggest. (From: Babies for sale. South Koreans make them, Americans buy them – by Matthew Rothschild, The Progressive, January 1988)
The emotional trauma that this inflicts on the mother, mothers who are convinced to give up their babies for adoption, is very severe. It causes more mental anguish and trauma than mothers who see their children die.
Origins Canada summarizes some of the studies that have analyzed this.
In one study, (Logan, J. 1996. Birth mothers and their mental health: Uncharted territory. British Journal of Social Work, 26(5), 609-625.), they reported:
Haiti: “World’s most Active Mission fields for American Evangelicals”

Former FRAPH leader Louis-Jodel Chamblain (center) with the FLRN paramilitary force entering Port-au-Prince in 2004. Credit: Pablo Aneli
As the U.S. mourns the tragic deaths of Davy and Natalie Lloyd who were only in their early 20s and still had their whole lives ahead of them, we have to ask: why are Christian missionaries still in Haiti to begin with, running these orphanages?
In an article published last year at Christianity Today, Andy Olsen documents the history of Evangelical missions in Haiti, and how all these years of “missionary work” have failed to help transform the country.
Haiti has been one of the world’s most active mission fields for American evangelicals—so active that, in 1983, the pope visited the country and made it a rallying point against the concerning inroads Protestants were making into Catholic turf.
As of 2020, according to the Center for the Study of Global Christianity, roughly 1,700 career missionaries were serving in Haiti—one for every 7,000 people.
Olsen documents the history of Christian missionary work in Haiti over the decades, and its failures, and states: “Haitians helped evangelicals build a missions empire in their backyard.”
He then offers his view as to what needs to be changed in future missionary work by Christians in Haiti.
Finally, the new era may even require the church to take big and risky bets.
So far we have spoken of Haitian law enforcement as something strictly for governments to repair.
But justice system reform has been a hallmark of evangelical charity in the last two decades. Groups such as International Justice Mission—where, full disclosure, I was once employed—have convinced Christians to give hundreds of millions of dollars to high-level reform and anticorruption programs in some of the world’s most notorious judiciaries.
Is there really anything, besides will, stopping evangelicals from exploring similar partnerships with Haitian police, judges, and prisons? (Source.)
This is the Evangelical Christian way. Just buy off the police and the judges along with the entire judiciary, then Evangelical Christians will be able to fully “Christianize” the nation the way they want without opposition.
Of course they need to U.S. military to enforce this, and the Wall Street Jeffrey Epstein financial system to fund it, as they facilitate it, while they all make money from trafficking children.
Well I have a better idea.
Let them figure out how to rebuild their country on their own, as we have enough child trafficking problems right here in the U.S. that need attention.
But I know that will never happen until the money stops flowing, even as young, idealistic young people like Davy and Natalie Lloyd sacrifice their lives, NOT for the Gospel of Jesus Christ, but for the American Industrial Military Empire, working alongside the Evangelical Church, to enforce their will on other nations and their populations whether they want it or not.
THAT's the American Way.
I am the Way. Jesus, John 14:6
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