Tuesday, 18 March 2025

How the CIA Funds Most of the Illegal Drug Trafficking Around the Word Including Mexican Cartels

Comments by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

The Russian English Press published an article this week about the CIA’s involvement worldwide with the illegal drug trade, confirming what I have also been saying recently about how the U.S. funds the drug cartels in Mexico, and how almost everything Trump and his administration say about this issue is a lie.

Even Mexico’s President Claudia Sheinbaum has revealed this:

How the CIA Gave Birth to the Modern Drug Trade in the Americas

by Ilya Tsukanov

Anonymous officials informed major US outlets this week about the CIA’s ‘benevolent’ new role: flying MQ-9 Reaper drones over Mexico to spy on drug cartels. What’s wrong with this picture?

The carefully placed reports, released within 24 hours of one another, come in the wake of the State Department’s designation of eight major Latin American drug traffickers as “global terrorist organizations.”

Unfortunately for the CIA, anyone with even a cursory knowledge of its activities knows that the agency has been more of an ally, rather than an enemy, to the drug pushers bringing violence and death to American communities.

  • In 1985, the Iran-Contra scandal exposed the Reagan administration’s facilitation of secret arms sales to Iran to fund rebels in Nicaragua, with the CIA implicated in Contra cocaine trafficking into the US.
  • In 1996, investigative reporter Gary Webb independently corroborated and elaborated on allegations that the crack epidemic rocking America’s inner cities was linked to traffickers enjoying protection from the CIA.
  • Webb’s reporting was probed by the federal government and major US media, but any info on the CIA’s involvement was swept under the rug. Webb was found dead in his home in 2004, shot twice in the head. His death was ruled a suicide.
  • Iran-Contra was just a small part of the CIA’s global drug smuggling empire:

  • Lawyer, banker, OSS and CIA officer Paul Helliwell has been called the “pioneer of CIA drug dealing.”
  • In 1962, Helliwell created the Castle Bank & Trust offshore in the Bahamas to support CIA ops against Castro’s Cuba and other anti-US forces across Latin America. Before that, he ran Overseas Supply, a CIA front company smuggling Burmese opium to finance a dirty war against China.
  • The Bahamian scandal blew up in 1973 during a tax evasion probe by the IRS, with Richard Nixon attempting to clip the CIA’s wings by creating the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA). Some believe the move, combined with Nixon’s obsession with the JFK murder, helped precipitate Watergate and the president’s 1974 resignation in disgrace.
  • Renowned US drug and arms smuggler Barry Seal ran drugs for the Medellin Cartel and, according to US authorities, was recruited as a double agent. But investigative journalist Alexander Cockburn and others have alleged that Seal was a CIA agent as far back as the Bay of Pigs and the Vietnam War implicated for working with the Contras.
  • In 2017, Juan Pablo Escobar, son of the infamous founder of the Medellin Cartel, confirmed that his dad “worked for the CIA,” and alleged that drugs were being trafficked, by Seal and others, directly to a US military base in Florida.
  • Independent reporter Manuel Hernandez Borbolla has documented the formation of large Mexican cartels under the protection from the Federal Security Directorate, which the journalist described as “practically employees of the CIA, along with some former Mexican presidents.”
  • So intricate were the links, Hernandez Borbolla recalled, that infamous CIA agent Felix Ismael Rodriguez was present while members of the Guadalajara Cartel tortured and murdered DEA agent Kiki Camarena in 1985 after he uncovered drug and arms smuggling ops linked to the Contras.
  • The CIA was allegedly also involved in the 1984 murder of Mexican journalist Manuel Buendia, who was investigating the agency’s drug operations, and corrupt officials’ involvement.
  • In 2012, Chilean journalist Patricio Mery uncovered a CIA plot to smuggle cocaine from Bolivia to Chile, Europe and the US to raise funds for ops to destabilize Ecuadorian President Correa’s government.
  • The CIA hasn’t been the only US three-letter agency implicated in drug smuggling and cooperation with cartels, either…

    Read the rest of the article at  Sputnik.com


    Medically Kidnapping Children for Drug Trials and Sex Abuse – The History of the CIA Project MK-ULTRA

    Trump’s Huge Border “Control” Business is U.S. National Policy – Exposing Border Myths and Trump’s Lies

    This article was written by Human Superior Intelligence (HSI)

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