Trump and 50 Heads of State to Attend Reopening of Notre Dame Cathedral and the Satanic Celebrations in Paris
Health Impact News
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by Brian Shilhavy Editor, Health Impact News
On Friday this week (December 6, 2024), St. Nicholas Day will start the weekend of the reopening of the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, France.
It was announced today that President-elect Donald Trump is making his first trip outside of the U.S. since being elected to attend the ceremonies of this iconic Christian building, along with 50 other heads of state this weekend.
Paris prepares to host 50 heads of state at high-security reopening of Notre-Dame Cathedral
Invite-only ceremonies Saturday and Sunday will launch the reopening of Paris’s Notre-Dame Cathedral five years after fire reduced it to a shell. About 50 world leaders are expected on Saturday, while nearly 170 bishops from France and other countries will attend an inaugural mass and consecration of the new altar on Sunday morning. (Source.)
While the Cathedral will open to the public on Saturday when most guests arrive, the ceremony starts on Friday, December 6th, which is also St. Nicholas Day, with Paris Archbishop Laurent Ulrich putting on a show by banging on the cathedral’s ornate doors with his staff in a symbolic gesture that it is time for them to open again.
The ceremony on December 6th will kick off with Paris Archbishop Laurent Ulrich putting on a show by banging on the cathedral’s ornate doors with his staff in a symbolic gesture that it is time for them to open again.
Ulrich will then reawaken the cathedral’s iconic grand organ, whose 8,000 pipes have been meticulously removed, cleaned, and re-tuned after being doused in toxic dust when the fire melted the cathedral’s roof. Considering some of the pipes stand an incredible 33 feet tall, it shows how much of an undertaking the cleaning process was.
This will then give way to a series of musical performances, including South African opera singer Pretty Yende and French opera star Julie Fuchs. Chinese pianist Lang Lang and cellist Yo-Yo Ma will follow before singers Angelique Kidjo and Hiba Tawaji – from Benin and Lebanon, respectively – will perform a concert that will be broadcast by France Télévisions.
On the morning of December 7th, 170 bishops from all over France and other countries and priests from all 106 Paris parishes will attend an inaugural mass where the new altar will be consecrated. (Source.)
Originally built between the 12th and 14th centuries over the course of 182 years, this building is basically a Masonic Temple, originally financed by the Knights Templar.
When it was damaged by fire in 2019 just months before the COVID Scam, many theories were published as to the cause of the fire. Many of the iconic statues were “miraculously” moved to safety just days before the fire.
The late Robert David Steele, a former CIA agent and intelligence expert who died during COVID, referred to the burning of Notre Dame in 2019 as a “False Flag” event that was planned.
Robert Steele: Notre Dame Cathedral Burning False Flag, Complicity of Pope, Organized by Macron, Merkel, & May, Each a Satanist, Goal of Saving EU & Central Banks
I was devastated by the total burning of Notre Dame cathedral, a place where I once prayed in thanks for one of my son’s who survived what might otherwise have been a certain death.
The parallels to both the Reichstag Fire and 9/11 loomed. Then I heard from the shadow foreign minister of France and I believe all of the following to be true and an indictment of Macron, Merkel, May, and the Pope — Notre Dame would not have burned as it did without the explicit complicity of the Church — and key police, fire, and government offices in Paris — in detail, in advance, and into the future.
Here is what I have been told by a ranking source in France:
01 Canadian intelligence officers who went immediately to the site for a first hand look were prevented from getting close.
02 No electricity in the area where the fire is alleged to have started.
03 Two dead within the fire, both evidently murdered (two bullets each)
04 No helicopters brought in to fight the fire
05 Dysfunctional water spraying machine, a mockery of a fire-fighting performance
06 Official narrative pretending it was an accident was immediate and clearly on the shelf and ready to go.
07 Timing impossible to dismiss — intended to prevent announcement of Macron’s loss in the national debate inspired by the Yellow Vests.
08 Afternote A: anniversary of the Titanic that was precursor to the creation of Central Banks and the subversion of all governments.
09 Afternote B: This is intended to save the global financial system owned by the Satanists by saving the European Election in May, anticipate a call for “financial solidarity” that keeps France trapped in Europe by “EU” agreeing to pay for the renovation of the cathedral. “EU” and Central Banks are the beneficiaries of this false flag event, along with Macron as the token leader of France on behalf of the Satanic Deep State.
10 Afternote C: This is an intended “death blow” against Western Civilization. Although the Muslims are not being blamed, the sub-text is Frankfurt School / Tavestock Institute fundamental: whites and the West are shit, hail all illegal immigrants, transgenders, and fat stupid people — the sheep of all sheep.
11 Afternote D: The roof of Notre Dame was original to the 13th century and has survived all wars, all manner of natural hazards. This was the single most precious asset in France, not so much a Catholic religious asset as a national spiritual cultural asset. Final conclusion: the Satanists are DESPERATE. (Source.)
Leo Zagami has written about how many people who were present at the fire claimed to see a figure appear that resembled a Knight Templar.
Haunting Figure at Notre Dame Cathedral fire could be a Knight Templar
As the cathedral of Notre Dame collapsed overwhelmed by flames, a strange event occurred in the upper part of the cathedral, right before the eyes of millions of viewers.
A mysterious figure materialized dressed very much like a Templar Knight in a white turban which was in use in the Middle Eastern commanderies of the Knights Templars in the XIII century.
Pope Francis remained silent during the fire of Notre Dame Cathedral, and spoke for the first time about the tragedy the following morning.
The first to speak, were the French bishops, and as the new president of the French Bishops’ conference, Eric de Moulins-Beaufort, recalled how “nothing on this earth is made to last forever.”
This pragmatic statement was followed by the Italian bishops, who sent “a fraternal embrace” to the archbishop of Paris, as did those of Vienna and London.
Almost everyone spoke, but Pope Francis did not, despite the fact that the second most visited church after St. Peter was burning to the ground.
The reason for his silence is simple.
Under the 1905 law on the separation of church and state, Notre-Dame de Paris is one of 70 churches in Paris built before that year which are owned by the French state.
While the building itself is owned by the state, the Catholic church is the designated beneficiary, with the the exclusive right to use it for religious purposes in perpetuity, but also the responsibility of paying employees, for security, heating, cleaning, and for ensuring that the cathedral is open free to visitors.
The archdiocese does not receive subsidies from the French state and the Vatican has not invested the necessary money in protecting it.
That is what the almighty Pope was embarrassed about, because the church is his direct responsibility.
Only on the late Monday evening did we hear news from the Vatican, and their pretty lame response,
“The Holy See has received with shock and sadness the news of the terrible fire, which devastated a symbol of Christianity.”
This Cathedral was originally financed by the Knights Templar, not by the Vatican, and built by operative Freemasons loyal to the Christian faith that have recently reclaimed this space during a mass that took place on the 18th of March 2017 in the cathedral of Notre Dame to mark the birth of the Nouvel Ordre Mondial Templier (Templar New World Order):
The Nouvel Ordre Mondial Templier of the Grand Master Pierre de Lyon, wishes to gain acceptance within the church, and in this recent image published on social media he is placed next to the Grand Masters of the Knights Hospitaller and the Teutonic Knights.
In France, the Knights Templar were big financial backers for many major building projects, including the great cathedral of Notre Dame de Paris, which was constructed under the direction and participation of operative Freemasons.
When Knights Templars built or funded great buildings, Freemasons were heavily involved; from the Middle East, through France, Italy, Portugal, Spain, England, Scotland, France, and other European countries.
The Knights Templar had holdings in Templar districts that were not subject to city or country taxation (they were – technically – church property).
This is where the ancillary personnel for the commandery or other Templar operations lived. Many operative masons lived within the Templar districts, and by the 1200s both groups began profiting from each other’s expertise.
Both groups simultaneously created labor unions and Masons (through historic documents) joined the Templars and worked on Templar and church buildings.
Built by Masons, financed by Templars it makes sense that this figure could have been the ghost of an original Knights Templar sending a veiled message to the Jesuit Pope. (Source.)
The Freemason ties between Paris and Washington D.C. are very strong, as the D.C. city is patterned after Paris, and it was France who constructed the Statue of Liberty.
Here is an excellent account of that history from someone who is an expert on gnosticism and the occult.
Around 250 BC, the Celts settled on the site which was to become the ancient city of Lutetia (Lutetia Parisiorum, “Lutetia of the Parisii”),’ and today is known as the city of Paris.
It was named after a tribe of Celts known as the Parisii during the Roman era of the 1st to the 4th century. The Parisians (Pariasians)it had been said were the followers of Isis who was known as the chief goddess of the Greco-Egyptian empire. Hence, the Celtic Parisii came from the East and eventually settled in Gaul.
They are first mentioned in the Commentaries of Julius Caesar who dwelt in a district on the Seine in the town called Lutetia. The Greek geographer Strabo had written during the reign of Augustus Caesar that the Parisii live round about the Seine, having a city, called Lucotocia (Λουκοτοκία), on an island in the river”.
This city of Lutetia would later be renamed Paris in 360 A.D under the Roman Emperor Julian, who named it Civitas Parisiorum ‘the city of the Parisii’ in honor of the city’s original founders, the Celtic Parisii.
It was here where the Parisii settled, and with them, they brought their religion and secret rites of the Goddess from the East, and where they had built a temple of Isis in which you could find a statue of Isis.
In 1163, the site of the Temple of Isis would be the location where Notre-Dame de Paris (IPA: [nɔtʁə dam də paʁi]; French for “Our Lady of Paris”) would be built, and had become the “Parisian church of the kings of Europe.” The original statue of Isis was preserved in the Abbey of St. Germain until the year 1514 when the Archbishop of Meaux had it destroyed.
Modern day archaeologists confirm that this location was the first site discovered during the reign of Roman emperor Augustus (27 BC-14 AD); making it essentially a placed founded under the Roman Empire and Pax Romana, that has almost always been governed by an envoy of Caesar.
During the Roman conquest of Gaul , the Parisii participated with Suessiones resistance movement to Caesar organized by Vercingetorix in 52 BC., but later they would unite with Rome.
This is why it is considered the only sister city of Paris is Rome and vice-versa.
I had written about Phrygia and the Phrygians in my article, “Meaning of Freemason.”
In that article I stated the Greek word ‘Phrygians,’ Фр£ог meaning ‘free men’ and that the Phrygians came from a country that in mythology and history books was called Phrygia, and today is known as the Mediterranean island of Crete.
As part of the Roman ceremonies when a slave would obtain his freedom, he had his head shaven, and then placed upon his head, the Phrygian Cap which was also known as the Cap of Liberty.
The Phrygian cap was worn by the revolutionists during the Masonic French Revolution in the 18th century.
It is well-known, that on the island of Crete they had worshiped a goddess who has become known as the snake goddess. In the city of Knossos, Sir Arthur Evans had found the famous ten-inch high statuette of the “snake goddess” holding serpents in her hands with her breasts exposed.
This snake goddess of Crete I believe later became Isis, and the followers of this goddess, the Parrhasians migrated from Crete to Paris and later became known as the Parisii.
Another connection between the Parissi and the Cretans would be a special kind of stone known as limestone.
The whole island of Crete is said to be one giant limestone mountain, and my theory is that these people of Crete would not just settle anywhere, but only where there was plenty of limestone to be found.
These were the first true Freemasons who used mainly limestone to construct their buildings, and even the king’s famous throne on Crete that was found at Knossos was made of limestone.
The city of Paris was built on top of limestone quarries known as Paris limestone or the Parisian Lutetian limestone. Almost all the ancient buildings of Paris were also made of limestone.
Limestone was one of the most valuable commodities for these people, not only for buildings, but also for the healing properties of limestone. The Western facts are there are not a lot of areas that have an overabundance of limestone such as Paris, and this would be precisely why they had chosen this location to settle.
One interesting final note is that the official residence and principal workplace of the President of the United States known as the whitehouse, is also made of limestone that had to be imported from Croatia.
It is well-known that the French Freemasons, or who we can call the Parisii of Isis who built Notre Dame out of limestone and much of Paris, had assisted the Americans in designing and building most of Washington D.C.
They also had given the Statue of liberty as a gift to the U.S. in which the foundation of the Statue of Liberty is made of limestone. (Full article.)
The repaired Notre Dame Cathedral does have some new designs, and Torchy Blane, writing for Winter Watch, has reported on some of these design changes.
The inner sanctum of Notre Dame Cathedral was largely spared from the fire of April 2019. The cathedral’s wooden spire — which fire investigators believe was the origin of blaze — collapsed onto the altar.
The charred fragments created a mess, certainly, but there was no interior fire, no devastating damage. The vast majority of the artwork was spared as well. Many called it a miracle.
Yet, Notre Dame’s awe-inspiring gothic beauty and artistic history still faces the threat of destruction — not from the fire but from one priest with a modernist vision.
To be clear, it’s not that the interior of Notre Dame has to be reconstructed due to fire damage. It’s that Father Gilles Drouin wants to give the famous gothic sanctum a contemporary makeover with global and secular visitors in mind.
Douir, in a March 2021 video meeting with his restoration cohort, unveiled his vision for the space. It’s dark, cold and inappropriately modern.
The redesign calls for the removal of confessionals. Religious art will be replaced by urban street art installations and modernist paintings and murals.
Walls will be painted in dark grey or black, and a multimedia projector will display messages in various languages that explain the basics of Christianity to international visitors — Jesus for dummies and international tourists, because they couldn’t find that info on their smart phone apparently.
“The redesign hopes to create a ‘dialogue’ between contemporary and traditional art from the old masters and a wide range of influences will be at play,” Euro News reports.
“French father of urban art Ernest Pignon-Ernest, sculptors Anselm Kiefer and the late-Louise Bourgeois could see their works merge with those of old masters like the Le Nain brothers or Charles Le Brun.”
Street art by Ernest Pignon-Ernest, Naples. PHOTO: Artinterview.comStreet art by Ernest Pignon-Ernest PHOTO: Artinterview.comAn Anselm Kiefer art installation called ‘Uraeus’ at Rockefeller Center in New York City. PHOTO: Instagram‘Resurrection,’ a sculpture by Anselm Kiefer. PHOTO: Progrès /DRSculpture by Louise Bourgeois PHOTO: Ideelart.comLouise Bourgeois transhumanist sculpture ‘Arched Figure’ PHOTO: Roman Road Journal
French President Emmanuel Macron’s wife, Brigitte Macron, reportedly wanted an ‘erect phallus with golden balls‘ as the new spire for the Notre Dame Cathedral.
Brigitte Macron backed an ‘erect phallus with golden balls’ as the new spire for Notre Dame cathedral, France’s former culture minister claims
Brigitte Macron proposed an ‘erect phallus with golden balls’ as the new spire for the Notre Dame cathedral in Paris, the former culture minister has claimed.
Roselyne Bachelot, 76, recounted in her memoirs how she was shocked when the First Lady presented her risqué plans for the iconic landmark over lunch.
After fire ravaged the iconic gothic cathedral in 2019, Emmanuel Macron held an international competition to redesign the spire and roof.
But this sparked a heated row, with some wanting the 850-year-old building restored identically to its former glory, and others wanting a modern design. (Source.)
It will be interesting to see who the other “heads of state” are that show up this weekend, with only the former Rothschild banker and current President of France, Emmanuel Macron, and the new President-elect of the U.S., Zionist Donald Trump, so far being named at the time of this writing.
Will we see Benjamin Netanyahu, for example, show up to join the Satanic festivities and worship service?
There was also a lot of Jewish history contained inside the Notre Dame Cathedral before the fire, and maybe he wants to come and take a look to make sure it was all restored.
What Jews Might Have Lost In the Fire at Notre-Dame de Paris Cathedral
As flames devastated Notre-Dame de Paris cathedral on April 15, more than just a worldwide center of Catholic worship and an architectural masterpiece was threatened. Jewish history is also reflected in the cathedral, for better and for worse.
When its massive construction began almost one thousand years ago, Notre-Dame de Paris reflected theological messages that stayed relevant for the Catholic Church for centuries afterwards.
One such is demonstrated by an allegorical sculpture from the 1200s of a woman representing Synagogue, next to one representing the Church.
Modern Jewish viewers have expressed concern that a snake is wrapped around the Synagogue figure’s head, impeding her vision.
Still, observers must admit that the statue of Synagogue is uncommonly elegant, a slim, graceful figure with aristocratically elongated fingers and strongly carved features, like a more human and shapely version of the Statue of Liberty.
So this was no mere lowly depiction of anti-Semitism, even if the obvious message is that Synagogue, representing Jewish people, cannot see clearly because she has not accepted the truth of Christian salvation.
In 1938 Leo Spitzer, a critic of literature and the arts, reviewed a book on these and parallel issues by Hiram Pflaum. Pflaum was a German Jewish scholar on Judah Abravanel who made Aliyah in the 1920s and taught at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem on many subjects, including relationship between Church and Synagogue in religious disputations of the Middle Ages.
Spitzer praised Pflaum, who later adopted the family name of Peri:
“It is comforting to see in our day of racial hatred how a Jewish scholar can not only understand, but feel and communicate to us the pathos and the tragic awe mediaeval Christians must have felt before the triumph of the Church over the Synagogue.”
The statue of Synagogue at Notre-Dame de Paris, like those in other cathedrals across Europe, Pflaum observed, were marked by “earnest dignity” and “sorrowful beauty.” Spitzer added that the “melancholy beauty of [Synagogue] is that of a really good being – the Middle Ages always represented the good as the beautiful… which knew much but did not make the right use of its knowledge.”
Nina Rowe’s “The Jew, the Cathedral and the Medieval City: Synagoga and Ecclesia in the Thirteenth Century” offers more analysis of the same argument. Jews as seen in sculptures at Notre-Dame de Paris were not the vulgar caricatures represented in popular entertainment of the time; they were lofty exemplars of part of church history, the forebears of Christianity.
Another example is on the west facade of Notre-Dame de Paris, which had twenty-eight statues of Kings of Judah, many of them currently on display at the Musée de Cluny, a museum of medieval art near the cathedral.
During the French Revolution, these heads were knocked off the statues as part of iconoclastic destruction of all church property, not specifically targeting Jews.
It is assumed today that uneducated revolutionary mobs pulled down the Kings of Judah because they thought they represented Kings of France.
In 1977, 21 of the 28 original heads were excavated and restored. These heads at the Musée de Cluny and their 19th century replacements on the cathedral itself are refined and noble, indeed indistinguishable from those of depictions of Christian monarchs on the edifice.
Further sculpted scenes, such as the Marriage of Joseph and Mary, likewise show dignified, explicitly Jewish characters. (Full article.)
I suspect we could see Christians, Jews, Muslims and many other religions represented, all taking part in the cult and pledging their allegiance to Satan, and the New World Order they think is about to appear.