Friday, 18 October 2024

ARI HOFFMAN: On Israel, Kamala Harris' talk is cheap

Vice President Kamala Harris blew off the speech by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to go hang out with a bunch of sorority girls. The optics are terrible. She could have been behind him in every picture, every video, but she likely didn't want to be because the far left of her party would have gone bonkers.

Last Wednesday, pro-Hamas activists in Washington DC vandalized monuments, assaulted police officers, and burned American flags. Very few Democrats bothered to make any public statements condemning the violence. Harris didn’t bother issuing a statement until Thursday morning.

If these were Republican rioters, Democrats would have been falling all over themselves to make statements as they still do about January 6, 2021, but most were missing in action. The American people did see House Republicans, with Speaker of the House Mike Johnson, running American flags back up the flagpoles at Union Station that had been torn down and burned by the mob and replaced with Palestinian flags.  

If Kamala Harris was sincere, she could have talked about prosecuting the rioters in her statement, but maybe not, because it might remind people she was a terrible prosecutor.

On Wednesday, Republicans proposed legislation that would deport non-citizens who commit crimes during protests such as assault, vandalism, and blocking freeways. Harris could have asked her fellow Democrats to sign onto the legislation and make it bipartisan and she would have had her first legislative win, which would have been a feather in her cap for her presidential campaign. But she won't, because the violent activists are the base of the Democratic party. In 2020, Harris backed the rioters during the “Summer of Love” and advocated for a bail fund to get them out of jail.

On Thursday, Harris finally met with Netanyahu. The photo op took 14 seconds before she ushered the press out of the room and she looked like she did not want to be in that picture at all, likely because she knows the left is going to lose their minds over the meeting and take it out on her.

After the meeting, she claimed in a press statement, “From when I was a young girl, collecting funds to plant trees for Israel, to my time in the United States Senate and now at the White House,  I've had an unwavering commitment to the existence of the state of Israel.” Were there Jewish National Fund (JNF) ‘pushkas’ (charity boxes) in public schools in Oakland, California? Let’s assume for a minute that she is telling the truth and that she backs Israel. Then why would she make so many comments critical of the Jewish state over the last nine months since Oct. 7?

Harris did say following the meeting that “Israel has a right to defend itself” and called Hamas “a brutal terrorist organization” that on October 7, 2023 “triggered this war when it massacred 1,200 innocent people, including 44 Americans. Hamas has committed horrific acts of sexual violence and took 250 hostages.”

Why did it take her nine months to finally say all the right things?  Because now she is running for president.  There are American citizens who remain captive in Gaza. Why did it take her nine months to acknowledge that?

Republicans have been much more vocal and had a whole night at their recent convention dedicated to Israel and the hostages. Why is it so hard for Democrats like Harris to support Israel when over 70 percent of Americans already do?

Harris is trying to change the message of this administration, which was losing their Jewish support. They're trying to get it back and attempting a restart. 

Why did it take Harris nine months to say the names of the American hostages? If the President or the Vice President of the United States said to Hamas, “Give them back now or we're going to flatten Gaza with napalm,” do you realize how quickly they would have been returned? Instead, this administration says, “We need to negotiate. Maybe we need to reward them with a state for raping and massacring all those people.”

They could have stopped this nine months ago and the hostages, including 8 Americans, 4 of which are likely dead, wouldn't have been down in those tunnels all this time. God only knows what is even happening to the women down there. Democrats claim they believe all women and are for a woman's right to choose but the majority of them have been silent on what is happening to the hostages for nine months. If Kamala Harris and Joe Biden wanted the hostages home, they'd be home.

Tell Hamas, “No more aid. Give back the hostages. We're cutting you off right now. No more funding. No two-state solution. Give us back the Americans.” The savages killed 44 Americans on October 7, 2023, and took 8 hostage and this administration treats the conflict like it is someone else’s problem. Half of them are dead and Palestinian terrorists are still holding their bodies. No aid, no two states, no nothing, until we get the Americans back.

Before I even listened to her remarks following the meeting with Netanyahu, I knew she would cry crocodile tears for the casualties among the sweet cherub-faced terrorist rapists. Harris called it a “dire humanitarian situation” in Gaza with “over 2 million people facing high levels of food insecurity.” Oh, please. Have you seen those people? They're fatter than I am. They are selling American aid packets in the markets on the streets because they have so much of the stuff.

Enough.  If Kamala wants to prove that she is serious about what she said, she should say the hostages’ names every single time you talk about what's going on in Gaza. I hear that Democrats are really big into saying the names. I remember them demanding “Say his name” a lot in 2020.

The pier the US built in Gaza for $300 million only gave aid to Hamas. According to a report from the Jewish News Syndicate, two Israeli soldiers were killed while defending that Biden boondoggle off the coast of Gaza. This administration is literally costing lives with their stupidity and naivete. There are even reports that US service members put mats on the ground, just so they could say, “We don't have boots on the ground.”

If Democrats want to show me they are serious about getting back the hostages, tell Hamas “No aid, no two states, no funding, no nothing, until the Americans are returned. All of them. And then require Hamas to pay reparations to the families of the ones you massacred. I hear that Democrats are really into reparations.

This war could be over tomorrow if very simple things happen.  One, hostages are returned. Two, Hamas surrenders and disarms. That's it and this thing would be over.

Kamala Harris was against going into Rafah and getting back the hostages. If she had not boycotted Netanyahu’s speech she would have heard him discuss that the fewest civilian casualties in the war were in Rafah. He noted that experts at West Point Academy have said this is the lowest civilian casualty rate in urban warfare in the history of the world.

If you, Kamala Harris, want me to believe you support Jews and Israel, don't wave your “Jew-ish” husband in front of me. Doug Emhoff can barely explain what Hannukah is. He is about as Jewish as a ham sandwich.

Instead, get the hostages back. Avenge the Americans. End Hamas. That's how you prove to me you're serious about this, Otherwise, it's lip service. Barack Obama and Joe Biden said all the right things about Israel going into their presidencies too and it turned out to be an unmitigated disaster. This is on them.

If you want to show me you're for real, end the war by demanding the return of the hostages and that Hamas disarm. In her entire statement, I didn't hear her call on Hamas to disarm or surrender.

Show me you're for real. Otherwise, I don't believe you. Not. At. All.

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