Tuesday, 22 October 2024

AUSTIN PETERSEN: Trump makes libertarians an offer they shouldn't refuse

Former President Trump’s appearance at the Libertarian Party’s (LP) convention made history for being the first former president to address the LP. Trump offered Libertarians more potential wins than they’ve ever had in the entire 53 year history, and many are already publicly ditching the LP label and reaching for their MAGA hats.

The more right-leaning Mises Caucus in the Libertarian Party fumbled the ball, failing to nominate their candidate Michael Rectenwald, a former NYU professor. They also missed the chance to nominate their preferred VP pick, podcaster Clint Russell. Comedian and prominent LP activist Dave Smith said he can’t support the ticket, but Russell offered a full throated non-endorsement, expletives and all.

The Libertarian Party’s candidate, Chase Oliver, appeared on my Wake Up America show to defend drag queen story hours, as well as children seeing public nudity at Pride Festivals, suggesting it was just like Mardi Gras. He also has come down on the side of allowing minors to use puberty blockers and hormone treatments to delay puberty, but stopped short of endorsing full genital mutilation for kids.

This all smacks of my 2016 presidential run, where I was boo’d by the anarchist contingent for suggesting that there should be some laws to protect children and you shouldn’t be able to sell heroin to five year olds. The libertarian movement has had a long history of problems finding a moral compass when it comes to the rights of kids. Whether it was confirmed pedophile anarchist Brad Spangler, or Murray Rothbard’s argumentation that starving your child to death isn’t a violation of the Non-Aggression principle, the liberty movement needs to clean house. Chase Oliver makes things worse for Libertarians on these fronts, not better.

Chase Oliver’s nomination is the best case scenario for Donald Trump. Trump is now the only truly right-leaning candidate who will appear on the ballot. If progressives who are upset with “Genocide Joe’s” policies in the Middle East decide to look around for a protest candidate this year, they have their man in Oliver. His acceptance speech at the convention featured a pledge to end the “genocide” in Gaza. What better candidate to snatch votes from campus protestors and disaffected Democrats? Biden’s biggest threat now may come from an openly gay, anti Israel, anti-Trump Libertarian who will gladly sop up the votes from the growing contingent of “Never Biden” voters, who far outnumber Never Trumpers this time around.

Trump was being generous when, in his speech to the LP, he goaded them by suggesting they could vote for him or get 3 percent of the vote. The Party of Principle is much more likely to get 1 percent. But with the support of the Gays for Gaza, the LP could get as high as 1.5 percent. The stakes for the Libertarian Party have never been lower for their own ticket, or higher for the possibility that has presented itself to them. Chair of the Libertarian Party Angela McCardle seems to recognize this when she posted, “I made the right call to invite Donald Trump and if libertarians can behave themselves, he will free Ross Ulbricht and put one of us in his cabinet. Ball's in your court, libertarians. We are getting in that administration.”

Right but… that only happens if you live up to your end of the bargain. If you approach the Don and ask a favor, you have to live up to your end of the deal. A favor from the Godfather is the Monkey’s Paw of politics, your wish is granted but there’s a heavy price to pay. Funny enough, in this situation the price you pay isn’t that heavy at all… don’t vote for the “trans the kids” Libertarian Party candidate. Support Donald Trump, and cover yourselves in glory this year. Or trans the kids. And get your 1 percent.

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