“America First” isn’t just a slogan—it’s a strategy.
To better understand how good this is for America, let's unpack something that doesn’t get enough focus but is absolutely vital to the America First movement: a secure, thriving, and fearlessly defended Israel. This isn’t just about Israel itself—it’s central to ensuring America’s long-term strength, security, and influence. Founder and Director of SavetheWest.com, Ken Abramowitz, writes about this extensively, and has also spoken eloquently about it.
“America First” isn’t just a slogan—it’s a strategy. We all believe in protecting America’s freedoms, preserving our values, and securing our prosperity. But what does that look like in practice? To be clear, it means creating policies that prioritize the interests, safety, and well-being of everyday Americans, not just short-term, but for the future. The America First vision is grounded in life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for law-abiding citizens while ensuring a world in which those rights can actually be protected. It means establishing policies that help us thrive at home and maintain stability worldwide.
Abramowitz adds a truth often overlooked: to truly protect American lives and values, we can’t go it alone. Our closest allies, like Israel, must also be secure, strong, and feared by their enemies.
Let’s take a quick look at what’s happening right now under the Obama/Biden/Harris administration, which we might call “America Last.” We see open borders, radicalized education systems, and a foreign policy that empowers criminals and undermines America’s closest allies—especially Israel. Instead of supporting Israel, the Biden administration pursues regime change there, despite Israel being one of America’s most steadfast allies. Strangely, we don’t see the same push for regime change in places that truly threaten world peace, like China, Russia, or North Korea.
These America Last policies weaken both America and Israel, making us more vulnerable to attacks like those on 9/11 or even Israel’s tragic October 7th attack. When our government is focused on appeasing enemies and coddling criminals, it’s abandoning the very principles that made America—and Israel—strong in the first place.
Now, some misunderstand America First as an isolationist approach: “Why should we care about anyone else?” But the truth is, America First done right isn’t isolationism. History has proven, again and again, that when America only looks inward, we end up in conflict. Ignoring threats abroad doesn’t keep us safe; it only delays the problem until it’s at our doorstep.
This is why “America First Long-Term” matters. This means securing our interests at home and ensuring our allies can defend theirs. By supporting a strong, powerful Israel, we are safeguarding the freedoms and prosperity of both nations. Together, we’re setting a standard of strength and deterrence that criminals and adversaries fear.
A strong, sovereign Israel doesn’t just benefit Israel. Israel stands as the “front line” against radical regimes and ideologies that would love nothing more than to see America crumble. When Israel defends itself against terrorist threats, it sends a clear message to all of America’s enemies: if you attack free nations, you will pay a steep price. It’s a deterrent that ultimately keeps America safer.
An “America First Long-Term” approach means we must stand firm with Israel, both morally and strategically. America’s own Founding Fathers would agree that a true republic thrives when it has allies who share its values and its resolve. So, here’s the bottom line: America First isn’t just about defending our borders—it’s about supporting a strong Israel as a key ally. It’s about standing up for all free people against the forces of tyranny, because when freedom is attacked in one place, it’s threatened everywhere.
When we understand this, we don’t just talk about “winning.” We actually start winning—every issue, every day, everywhere. That’s America First in action. God bless America, and God bless a strong, safe, and feared Israel.
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