Sunday, 27 October 2024

CALEB SHUMAKER: Kamala Harris has a California problem

In recent weeks, the political landscape has been rocked by a seismic shift. Vice President Kamala Harris, without a single vote cast in her favor by registered Democrats, has emerged as the new presumptive Democratic nominee. The mainstream media, ever eager to push their latest darling, have anointed her as the party’s savior this election cycle. But before we get swept up in this media-fueled frenzy, let’s pull back the curtain and examine the stark reality of Kamala Harris’s looming California Problem.

Let’s not kid ourselves: Kamala Harris’s meteoric rise isn’t just a quirky anomaly in American politics. It’s a troubling sign of what’s to come if we don’t scrutinize her track record and the disastrous policies she’s championed. Harris has attempted to distance herself from her 2019 GovTrack ranking as the 'most liberal' senator—a label she earned by out-lefting even Bernie Sanders. But what does it say about her leadership when she’s deeply connected to California politics, a state that has become a dystopian example of progressive policy gone awry?

We all remember Joe Biden’s promise to be the transition candidate, a bridge between the old and somewhat moderate guard of the Democratic Party and the new radical and progressive wing of the party. So, is it really a surprise to see the ‘most liberal’ senator finally get her shot at the nation’s top job? It’s safe to say this was the plan all along, and that her beloved and ultra-liberal state of California will be the model.

During Harris’s tenure as California Attorney General, the state didn’t just struggle with crime—it was overrun by it. From 2011 to 2016, California saw a staggering 23.7% increase in homicides and a 4.0% rise in violent crime rates. These statistics aren’t mere numbers; they represent real communities ravaged by a breakdown in public safety. Harris’s support for Proposition 47 and Proposition 57, which aimed to reduce incarceration rates, instead led to an alarming spike in criminal activity and a marked deterioration in safety.

The media’s portrayal of Harris as a beacon of hope overlooks a crucial fact: the Biden/Harris administration has already adopted and extended California’s troubled policies on a national scale. Under their leadership, we’ve seen a 7.3% rise in homicides, a 1.5% increase in violent crime, and a 0.9% uptick in property crimes. This isn’t just a statistical anomaly; it’s a reflection of failed policies that have only worsened under their watch.

And let’s not forget the impact of Harris’s California-inspired agenda. The state’s aggressive environmental regulations, such as bans on gas stoves and high-emission appliances, have led to skyrocketing consumer costs and daily life disruptions. Harris’s Senate tenure saw her support for similar radical environmental policies, including the Green New Deal, which would have exacerbated energy costs and economic pressures nationwide.

Harris’s California Problem extends to immigration and housing as well. California’s sanctuary city policies have created a chaotic and often dangerous environment, making it nearly impossible to address illegal immigration and related issues. As Vice President, Harris was appointed as the border czar—a role meant to address the escalating border crisis. However, her tenure in this position has been marked by a continued surge in illegal crossings and a chaotic handling of immigration issues. This failure to curb the crisis underscores a broader pattern of ineffective policy management that mirrors her approach in California.

On housing, California’s rent control measures have exacerbated the housing crisis, reducing rental property availability and driving up costs. Harris’s support for national rent control measures only promises to replicate these failures across the country.

The bottom line is clear: Kamala Harris’s policies are dangerous, and that is proven by simply looking at California. With only 41% of Americans viewing California favorably according to a recent Gallup poll, it’s evident that Harris’s alignment with the state’s failing policies should be a significant concern for her campaign.

For us, we must do everything in our power to win. The specter of California’s failed policies looms large over her candidacy, threatening to bring the same devastating consequences to the rest of the nation. If we’re not careful, Harris’s California Problem could become our national crisis.

Caleb Shumaker is a Republican political strategist and the President of Mammoth Strategy Group, where he helps shape effective strategies for Republican campaigns. You can find Caleb on X at @CalebCShumaker

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