Friday, 18 October 2024

DAVID KRAYDEN: The Biden administration is either incompetent or the world's worst reality show

Watching the House Oversight Committee dig into still-serving Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle was an exercise in pain and futility.

During three hours of interrogation, Cheatle steadfastly refused to resign, apparently just not seeing any plausible reason to do so. The fact that the penny dropped for her on Tuesday and she announced she would do just that, is indicative not that she gets it but that she has been forced to get it by whatever desperate and designing minds extant in the Biden administration.

“In light of recent events, it is with a heavy heart that, I have made the difficult decision to step down as your Director,” she wrote.

The belated decision of this Secret Service director bears a remarkable resemblance to the reluctance of one, President Joe Biden, to acknowledge that he way in over his head and unable to muster the cognizance to at least pretend to be the leader of the Free World.

There was unanimous agreement among both Republicans and Democrats on the committee that Cheatle had failed the former President Donald Trump and the American people when she and her much vaunted Secret Service had allowed at least one gunman to enter a Trump rally, climb to the top of a building within easy shooting range of the former president, get into a comfortable prone position and calmly aim his rifle towards the stage and prepare to fire.

I won’t get into the details of how this was even remotely possible; of how numerous people on-scene warned the police of shooter Thomas Crooks' potentially lethal presence, of how the Secret Service sighted Crooks and did nothing, of how Crooks was able to shoot multiple times before finally being hit by a sniper.

Before being forced by a subpoena to sit and provide non-answers to representatives, Cheatle had admitted her performance during the attempted assassination was below par, in fact a “catastrophic failure.” She continued to admit that fact during the Congressional grilling, that fortunately was short of petty partisan remarks by Democrats who largely put away their gun control talking points for the afternoon and did not attempt to suggest Trump was just a bystander in another “mass shooting” instead of being the target of an assassination.

But as she stared blankly ahead, her deadpan face revealing not a hint of guilt, sorrow or even regret, she never for an instant considered the repeated demands that she resign over her gargantuan ineptitude. It’s like she was silently telling her accusers, “Hey, I was a diversity hire to begin with, Nobody hired me for my competence or ability to do the job. Why should I resign or be fired when I demonstrate that I cannot do the job, even to a minimum level of satisfaction?”

Just watch how Cheatle responds while Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC) carves her into little pieces and literally tells the director that she is “full of sh*t.” Cheatle almost seems to agree with the congresswoman’s assessment but seems to be wondering why anyone would care if she is a first-class bunglar and liar.

The Biden administration has become an enthusiastic celebration of incompetence. Not only will Cheatle not even contemplate resigning or why that should be the honorable thing to do, her equally incompetent superiors are not considering why she should be fired. No one has some kind of innate right to be the director of the president’s exclusive security detail. These people only exist to protect the life of the president, vice-president and immediate family members and former presidents. That is their mandate. If they can’t get that right then they haven’t gotten anything right.

Cheatle has become emblematic of an administration that is not only thoroughly incompetent but refuses to apologize for being so patently incompetent. Anyone with eyes, ears and a functioning brain could see that President Joe Biden was suffering from escalating dementia for the past few years. He was incapable of doing his job and could easily have been assessed as incompetent. But Biden’s weakness was again celebrated by his administration and most of the legacy media that contended the president was doing just fine, thank you was prepared beyond a doubt to serve another four years in the job.

Suddenly, with a debate performance that resembled one of director Stanley Kubrick’s black comedy, absurdist films or perhaps a horror movie starring JIll Biden titled “Terror in the Nursing Home,” Biden was revealed to be incapable of seeking a second term. Overight, the narrative changed – although the mainstream media was not yet prepared to acknowledge that Biden wasn’t fit to serve another day as president either.

That was, as yet, a bridge too far. It took Biden a couple of exhausting weeks to drop out of the race but that was only after being publicly and privately told by Democratic bosses and donors that he had to go. We don’t know what level of abuse occurred to push Biden into relinquishing the presidential nomination; we don’t even know if he willingly acquiesced to this decision because, quite frankly, his letter of resignation looks highly suspicious. It’s written on his private letterhead and bears a signature that is markedly different from recent examples.

Did Biden go with a literal gun to his head?

But back to the incompetence factor. Who does Biden christen as his successor? Vice President Kamala Harris is the choice, another shining example of a non-entity struggling to achieve mediocrity. Has everybody forgotten how Harris achieved the lowest approval ratings of any vice president in history? If there was one assignment that you did not want Joe Biden to hand you during his presidency it would have to be border czar because that is undoubtedly the the greatest failing of this administration. But that’s precisely what Harris was entrusted with and she applied the usual degree of unflagging stupidity to that role.

While she never officially walked away from that train wreck, Harris ignored the file after a whirlwind tour of some Central American states that Biden and Harris believed were the root cause of all this illegal immigration.

The frightening thing is that the failure of Secret Service security absolutely resembles the apparent incompetence at the border for these last four years. How can tens of millions of illegals just walk across the border unmolested and then find their way to enclaves across America unless this has been the intended purpose of the Biden administration from day one and the catastrophic failure of border security has also been an inside job like the attempted assassination of President Trump might also prove to be.

Harris has spent much of her vice presidency engaging in pep talks to the Democratic faithful that are below the standard of the worst valedictorian speeches.

She has repeated the utterly banal slogan, “I can imagine what can be, unburdened by what has been” probably over 100 times to bewildered audiences who would also forced to endure Harris’ chronic cackling.

And now she is the savior of the Democratic Party?

This has become a poor excuse for a reality show that purports to demonstrate the raw truth of human emotions but is nothing but contrived and rehearsed theater.

Despite the acclaim that Harris is currently accreting from much of the media that is now convinced that the vice president is a winner, she is a certified loser who ran one of the worst presidential nomination campaigns in history.

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