Monday, 28 October 2024

JACK POSOBIEC and KENNY CODY: Tim Walz is 'no country boy'

Jack Posobiec hosted Human Events columnist Kenny Cody on Tuesday's episode of Human Events Daily during which Cody called the Democratic Vice Presidential nominee Tim Walz a "fake country boy."

Posobiec and his guest began by pointing out all the ways Democratic Presidential nominee Kamala Harris has been "fake," even deeming her a "chameleon" due to her changes of stance and identity as a career politician.

The pair then turned their focus to Walz, specifically the allegations of "stolen valor" after he claimed to have served in armed combat when in reality he was deployed to Italy. 

"Yeah, I don't think Kamala Harris could have chosen any better running mate for her inauthenticity than Tim Walz," Cody said, adding that Walz has lied about being "in the trenches" and has been portraying himself in camo hats and hunting attire to try and cast an image of him being an "everyday man, when he is nothing but somebody who is a liar and a chameleon that uses in the same way that Kamala Harris uses her racial identity and her, you know, appeal as a moderate, Tim Walz appropriates rural Rust Belt culture."

"He is appropriating that and his military service, I couldn't think of a more unagreeable sort of candidate that was going to come across to rural white American voters than Tim Walz is going to end up being. I mean, he is as unappealable as they come because he is fake."

Cody noted that Walz is essentially trying to appeal to the exact demographic that will "reject him for being a liar, going to reject him from embracing Stolen Valor," adding that he has been trying to win over hunters and the "outdoor, everyday Carhartt wearing man."

"I am from rural Appalachia, okay, we know a fake hunter and a fake country boy when we see one and Tim Walz is among the fakest that I have ever witnessed," Cody said. "Tim Walz is as fake as Kamala is only for the wrong appeal to rural voters in the Rust Belt." He later added, "I know a country when I see one, and he is no country boy."

Watch the full episode below.

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