Wednesday, 23 October 2024

JACK POSOBIEC and MIKE BENZ: Josh Shapiro signed off on suspicious 2011 case where woman stabbed 20 times was ruled suicide

Jack Posobiec hosted Mike Benz on Friday's episode of Human Events Daily during which the pair discussed an alleged “suicide” case that many believe to be a homicide in Pennsylvania. Democrat Vice President candidate-hopeful Josh Shapiro previously claimed it to be a suicide.

The case surrounds Ellen Greenburg who was 27 years old when she was stabbed 20 times to death in 2011 in Philadelphia, which was ruled to have been done by herself in an apparent suicide. She was stabbed 10 times in the front and 10 times in the back, 2 stab wounds which a medical examiner said happened post-mortem. The coroner in the case originally labeled the death a homicide but then changed it to suicide.

Many have found the ruling suspicious and have asked why her fiancée was not investigated as a possible murder suspect. It turns out, as Posobiec explains, he's very well connected in the Philadelphia Main Line legal community. "A lot of those same people that then gave donations to Josh Shapiro's candidacy and campaign for attorney general, then later for governor, which, again, you know it we're not we're not making any allegations, but we're saying, isn't that interesting," the host said.

Main Line, which Benz grew up near, is "one of the wealthiest suburbs in America" and "overwhelmingly Democrat."

Posobiec said the case, which Josh Shapiro signed off on, is "like one of the worst episodes of CSI you've ever heard of." He detailed that the victim's family, who maintains that it was murder, retained a lawyer name Larry Krasner, who later became "the George Soros-backed DA of Philadelphia." After he assumed that position, the case was kicked to none other than Josh Shapiro.

Posobiec explained that Shapiro had connections to the fiancée in question in the case "through these familial networks" and that he grew up with the fiancée's family. "There's a series of donations in some, in some cases, from, you know, certain family members to his various campaigns."

Watch the full episode below.

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