Sunday, 20 October 2024

JACK POSOBIEC: The Fauci testimony was 'Kabuki Theater'

On Monday's episode of Human Events Daily, host Jack Posobiec warned viewers to "beware of false reciprocity" in light of the Covid congressional hearing which Dr. Anthony Fauci testified at that day, something Posobiec called "Kabuki Theater."

The host called for people to be cautious when celebrating the apparent "reciprocity" being displayed with Hunter Biden on trial and Fauci in a hearing.

"It's not reciprocity. Hunter Biden is gonna get a slap on the wrist and he's gonna get to go home," Posobiec said, adding that Fauci will also "walk out of there."

He continued: "You're watching Kabuki Theater. I'm sick of the Kabuki Theater. Fauci got away with it, and he's gonna walk home to his mansion, and his millions of dollars, and nothing will happen to him."

He pointed out that no one in Congress has actually opened a direct investigation into him and that there have been no subpoenas, criminal investigations or lawsuits against him, adding that "you're watching a TV show."

"Beware of false reciprocity. It's not the same thing," Posobiec said, before turning his attention to the political persecution of Donald Trump, who he earlier called "a symbol of resistance."

"They're trying to take our candidate, lock him up, put him behind bars, all because he stands for the American people. Trump has become a symbol. Trump has become a symbol of the resistance, a symbol for all of those who stand against the corrupt government, the corrupt tyranny that we now live under."

Watch the full episode below.

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