Sunday, 27 October 2024

JACQUELINE TOBOROFF: Like all lousy leaders, Jamaal Bowman blames his loss on Jews

Jamaal Bowman, former representative for New York's 16th congressional district since 2021, lost his Democrat primary on June 26 to challenger George Latimer; Bowman received 45.4% of the vote and Latimer received 54.6%. This is a good sign, but don’t make the mistake of thinking the most prominent voices have learned a lesson, that this is the end of Bowman, or that the New York area has been spared. 

Unseating Bowman, a virulent anti-semite, is already being used to ratchet up more anti-white and antisemitic chaos. In anticipation of his loss, Bowman was already painting himself as a victim of racism and colonialism.  

The record-breaking House primary race saw $24 million spent on ads. The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC)-affiliated United Democracy Project superPAC invested $14 million into the contest to boost Latimer, even though Bowman was trailing Latimer by 17 points back in April, before the involvement of the AIPAC, which is specifically what has Bowman and the Squad in a tizzy. 

Which is not surprising. A significant percentage of the Democrat caucus are pro-Hamas, which is what being pro-Palestine really means. Signs and flags spotted at pro-Palestine and Free Gaza rallies are those of Hamas' Qassam Brigades, a Hezbollah terror group, a Lion's Den terror group, a Houthi terror group ("death to America, curse upon the Jews"), and Nazi swastikas. Moreover, Gazans not only elected Hamas, over 90% of Gazans believe Hamas didn’t commit any atrocities against Israel civilians during its October the 7th “offensive.” 

However, in a plot-twist, Democrats have painted AIPAC as alt-right Nazis. This exposes how deeply anti-semitic Democrats are. What, after all, is worse than a Nazi and what did the West do to Nazis? Kill them. Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez said of AIPAC, “[it is] the NRA of foreign policy.” Her implication is clear - that guns kill and AIPAC (read: Jews) does too. Cori Bush said, “As a survivor of rape, AIPAC’s tactic of exploiting rape is outright vile and appalling.” Exploiting rape? Israeli women were sodomized with knives by Hamas. How can you "exploit" that, short of pointing it out? What's worse, The New York Times made it seem like Jews stole the election. And actress Cynthia Nixon is cool with a Jew hater, provided it’s a “person of color.”  All of which is to say that again, it’s good Bowman lost, but with his loss comes some hard truths.

Latimer was endorsed by Hillary Clinton. “In Congress, @LatimerforNY will protect abortion rights, stand up to the NRA, and fight for President Biden’s agenda—just like he’s always done”, said Clinton. This means that Bowman’s hatred of America and Jews, which was too thuggish and unintelligent to miss, will be replaced by a sophisticated, globalist version which will have more plausible deniability.

Robert Hornak, Republican political consultant says, “Bowman's defeat doesn't say anything new about the Democratic Party nationally. This was a purely local phenomenon. Although the left's inclination here will be to try to declare otherwise and deny the rabid antisemitism that still controls their party. All this election means is that a strongly Jewish district in New York like Bowman's, with many wealthy Jewish suburban enclaves, won’t tolerate a thuggish rabid antisemite as their congressman. But they will continue to look the other way as the Squad continues to grow and at the grip the anti-Jewish left has on the Party nationally.”

The Democrat party has embraced antisemitism. This is evident in Biden’s gambit for the votes of Dearborn, Michigan's largely Muslim population. It’s also evident in appointing what the FBI calls a front group for Hamas, CAIR, to combat antisemitism. Then, there’s academia, which has become a Hamas outpost, infiltrated by faculty and staff who recruit and create cheerleaders for Islamist rapists and murderers. On that note, it should be lost on no one, specifically in lieu of Bowman’s thuggish campaign performance, that he was once not only a middle school principal but a plagiarist. This is a searing indictment on our educational complex. Bowman rejected teaching students about "white" historical figures, saying, “they’re told that Santa Claus, and George Washington, and Jesus Christ—all these white hope, great people—are the standard, how are they going to feel about themselves?" It's a cute line, except Bowman’s idea for who they should look up to instead was people like Assata Shakur, a literal cop killer. Charming.

This is important because now that Bowman lost, with six months left to collect money and scheme about his future, the only thing he’s qualified to do is teach. Ivy League schools have embraced plagiarists in the past. Free thinking is anathema to academia, which is owned by the Left. Elevating the underqualified is the linchpin of DEI. Bowman is a perfect fit. 

And what is a more dangerous place for Bowman to be than in government? Around your kids. 

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