Friday, 25 October 2024

Nurses sue UK's National Health Service after being forced to change with trans-identified male colleague

Six nurses filed a lawsuit against the United Kingdom's NHS after a group of 26 women complained about a trans-identified male colleague using the women's changing room. They further said that when they brought their concerns to human resources, they were told to "be more inclusive," "broaden their mindset," and "be educated and attend training."

According to the formal complaint obtained by the Daily Mail, the group said the trans-identified nurse had taken a "keen interest" in the female staff while they undressed.

The group was shocked when the trans nurse also disclosed to the women that they had stopped taking hormones in an attempt to have a child with their partner.

"We don't feel safe because we strip down to our underwear and [the individual] doesn't just stay by his locker," one of the nurses told the outlet. "He walks around the changing room in his boxer shorts."

Another nurse said, "I was rummaging in my bag trying to find my lanyard and keys for the locker when a man's voice behind me said, 'Are you not getting changed yet?'" She added, "I found my keys and opened my locker and I was asked again, 'Are you not getting changed yet?'"

"He stood there, two meters away from me, with a scrub top on and with tight black boxer shorts with holes in them and asked a third time whether I was getting changed yet," the woman continued. "Flight or fight mode kicked in but I felt glued to my seat, I could not move. My hands started to sweat. I was petrified and felt sick and began hyperventilating."

Chief executive of the Christian Legal Centre Andrea Williams condemned the NHS for "putting a dangerous and discredited transgender ideology ahead of staff and patient safety, not to mention biological reality."

"We are concerned that what the nurses are experiencing is just the tip of the iceberg," she added. "How many more people across the NHS, in other professions and in public places, are having to go through similar experiences?"

"Instead of giving in to the climate of fear surrounding speaking out against transgender ideology, these nurses are now refusing to be silenced and are taking a courageous stand. We will support them at every step," Williams concluded.

In response to the lawsuit, an NHS spokesperson told the Mail that it was "committed to providing an inclusive and respectful work environment for all employees." They added, "We are committed to working together with all parties to find a solution that respects the rights and dignity of all individuals while maintaining the highest standards of professionalism and fairness."

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