Saturday, 19 October 2024

OLIVER GHORBANIFAR: Don't underestimate Kamala

As election day 2024 looms on the horizon, it is becoming increasingly clear that Kamala Harris poses a far more significant threat to former President Donald Trump than most want to believe. After all, it was only a few weeks ago that conservatives appeared to be on the brink of a massive victory. The term ‘landslide’ was being thrown around confidently, with some even talking about promising polling from places like New Mexico, and even New Jersey.

However, with President Joe Biden bowing out of the race under intense pressure from the cabal that runs the Democratic party, Kamala Harris is now set to become the Democratic nominee.

As Republicans prepare for this surprising new battle, they must first recognize the formidable challenge Harris represents. Ignoring her strengths and potential advantages could lead to an electoral disaster for the GOP, a mistake the American people simply cannot afford for us to make.

While it’s fun to mock Kamala for her bizarre and creepy mannerisms, and her history of personal and professional corruption, we cannot allow this to blind us to the true threat she poses to both former President Trump and the America he is trying to save.

Republicans underestimate Kamala Harris at their peril. Harris, with her long experience as a U.S. Senator and as Vice President, has proven her ability to navigate the complex political spider’s web of Democratic party’s twisted political backrooms. The fact that she is where she is and has been given the go-ahead by the Democratic party’s leader, the famous political dominatrix Nancy Pelosi, proves that she is likely far more cut throat and brutal than she may appear to be from the outside.

Moreover, Harris enjoys the complete and unwavering support of the media, which plays a crucial role in shaping public perception. Since the announcement of her candidacy, media outlets have showered her with slobbering praise and glowing coverage, presenting her in the most positive (and thus dishonest) light possible.

By contrast, Donald Trump, in spite of displaying unbelievable courage when he was almost gunned down by an assassin’s bullet, has long been branded an “enemy of the human race” by the fake news industrial complex and will continue to have to endure insanely distorted and dishonest coverage for the rest of the campaign (and probably the rest of his life).

And perhaps most dangerous of all: the Democratic Party’s formidable organizing and ballot harvesting machinery also provides Harris with another massive edge. The Democrats have demonstrated their ability to “mobilize” voters effectively, as evidenced by their recent performance in both the 2020 and 2022 elections (whether the “voters” in question realize they are being “mobilized” is a separate question).

These sophisticated operations, bolstered by a vast network of volunteers and far-left activists, can drive their voter turnout much higher than it should be otherwise.

In addition to their media propagandists and well oiled ballot harvesting machine, Harris stands to benefit from the influence of massive social media platforms, in particular TikTok. Owned by the CCP aligned company ByteDance, TikTok has become a titan in shaping public opinion among the young and the stupid (one of the Democratic party’s favorite demographics). The platform’s algorithms have already been leveraged to create and spread misleading content that has attempted to spin Harris as some kind of hip and cool wine aunt to mush-brained gen Zers.

Given the platform’s insane popularity amongst youth, in spite of its blatant ties to the Communist Chinese regime, this could be a game-changer in how Harris tries to manipulate the minds of younger voters.

To make matters worse, it appears likely that Harris will look to add a popular white Governor or Senator to her ticket, like Pennsylvania’s Josh Shapiro or Arizona’s Mark Kelly. Two figures that could help her sell herself to the suburbs as far less radical than she is in reality, allowing to potentially pull a fast one in the suburbs of Philadelphia or Phoenix.

In light of these factors, the GOP must not assume that it can just walk over ‘Laffin’ Kamala Harris. In reality, she is a dangerous opponent for Trump and could easily win the election if things go poorly for the GOP over the next three months.

To prevail, Republicans must take Harris extremely seriously and assume that this election will come down to the wire. This means running a strategic, well-coordinated campaign that addresses Harris’ strengths head-on, while picking the right angles to properly exploit her weaknesses.

The Trump campaign can beat Harris like a drum, but in order to do so, it will have to relentlessly focus on exposing her insanely far-left record on almost every issue that Americans care about, while avoiding the temptation to dive into the mud of her troubled and disgusting personal life.

While the latter may be funny and provide fodder for jokes and memes online, focusing on it too much risks turning off many of the middle of the road suburbanites Republicans need in order to get to 270 electoral votes on election night.

With the stakes so high, underestimating Harris is simply not an option; the GOP must be prepared for a challenging and fiercely contested election that goes down to the wire.

We have to fight for every vote and not even think about quitting until President Trump is well past the finish line.

Regardless of the non-insignificant advantages that Harris enjoys, we simply cannot let this grotesquely unqualified extremist become president…ever.

The future of our nation depends on it.

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