Monday, 21 October 2024

REVEALED: Kamala Harris spearheaded California policy to allow men convicted of rape to do time in women's prisons

Charlie Kirk hosted Amy Ichikawa, Executive Director of Woman II Woman, on his show Wednesday during which it was revealed that during her time as Attorney General, Kamala Harris spearheaded a California policy change to allow biological male prisoners, many of whom are rapists, into women's prisons in the state.

Kirk played a clip of Harris revealing that her initiative was spurred by a specific case involving a trans-identified male. Ichikawa revealed that this person "is absolutely against everything that's currently happening, and is completely disgusted with the whole Harris agenda."

Ichikawa, who is also an ambassador for the Independent Women's Forum, explained that there are currently no requirements that need to be met in the state of California for an incarcerated individual to claim a different gender identity and be transferred to the "prison of their preferred gender" and that there's "no requirement for surgery, there's no requirement for hormone therapy. All you have to do is say, I'm a woman, and you can get your interview and you qualify for a transfer."

"And women are getting raped, is that correct, because of this?" Kirk asked. "Correct," Ichikawa confirmed, adding that her organization has filed a lawsuit against a biological male who claimed to be a woman, transferred into a women's prison, and raped two female inmates within a 24-hour period.

The director reiterated her disgust with Kamala's work as Attorney General which opened the gateway for pedophiles and sexual predators to parade as trans people. "33.8 percent, as a matter of fact, are registered sex offenders," she stated. Ichikawa was incarcerated in California for 5 years herself, and now works with other female inmates through the organization she founded.

She spoke on behalf of these women, saying that "They just want to be able to do their time in a space that they're not in constant fear of being injured, of this psychological warfare that they're enduring. Nobody asked. Nobody was sentenced to this. They've already been tried and sentenced, and this is additionally cruel and unusual punishment, to have women, 92 percent of whom are survivors of some form of sexual abuse, be forcibly housed with violent male sex offenders, is absolutely insane and the biggest crime against women, I think, in our lifetime."

Turning her attention to Kamala, Ichikawa stated that the Vice President and now Democratic Presidential nominee has "destroyed so many lives in California," adding, "she made it really clear how much she hates black people, especially black men. She enhanced laws like this and took the trauma of a trans woman and turned it into this perverse, you know, law that allows anyone to transfer into the women's prison. And you know, this is a predatory males' law."

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