Monday, 21 October 2024

UK grandfather found dead in prison while serving three years for shouting 'racist and provocative remarks' at police during anti-mass migration riot

“You did not yourself attack any police officer, as far as can be detected, but what you did was encourage by your conduct others to behave violently."

A grandfather who was sentenced to nearly three years of incarceration, over an anti-immigration riot in Rotherham, South Yorkshire has died in jail. Peter Lynch, 61, a father of four, died Saturday at HMP Moorland near Doncaster. Suicide is suspected.

Lynch was in the midst of serving a two year and eight month sentence that began in August, the Daily Mail reported. The Prisons and Probation Ombudsman (PPO) is now carrying out an independent investigation into his death.

Andy Ngo, Senior Editor for The Post Millennial, posted on X: “England — A grandfather who was sentenced to nearly three years in prison over an anti-mass migration riot in Rotherham, South Yorkshire has committed suicide in prison. In August, prosecutors had told the judge Peter Lynch shouted "racist and provocative remarks" at police outside a migrant hotel, which they argued ‘crossed the line’ into criminality and helped incite the riot.”

Lynch had diabetes, thyroid issues and angina and had recently experienced a heart attack. Police arrested Lynch after he screamed at them outside a hotel in Rotherham that was being used to house illegal immigrants. Lynch went to a protest outside the Holiday Inn Express on Aug. 4 with a sign that accused the police, MPs and certain government agencies of being “corrupt.”

Lynch pleaded guilty to violent disorder and admitted using “racist and provocative remarks” including calling migrants “child killers.” He was sentenced to jail on Aug. 22

The PPO is investigating the matter and said of Lynch, “We offer our condolences to his friends and family.”

During the sentencing hearing, Lynch was described by the prosecution as being a “full participant” in the protest and riot, and video was shown of Lynch calling police scum because they were enforcing a two-tiered standard of justice in the UK. “You are protecting people who are killing our kids and raping them.”

Judge Jeremy Richardson told him: “You did not yourself attack any police officer, as far as can be detected, but what you did was encourage by your conduct others to behave violently and you were part of this mob.” Richardson further eviscerated Lynch by calling him a “disgraceful example of a grandfather.”

“You were unquestionably endeavoring to rev up the situation the best you could,” Richardson claimed.

Scores of protesters or those whom the Labour government of Prime Minister Keir Starmer has labeled “keyboard warriors” for supporting anti-mass immigration protests on social media have been sentenced to jail time. The government has actually given thousands of hardened criminals early release from prison to provide more room for the “keyboard warriors.”

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