Friday, 25 October 2024

Congress passes resolution requiring government to purchase only American flags made in the US

The federal government will soon be required to purchase only American flags that were made in the United States, after Congress passed a resolution on the matter last week.

The proposal, which was passed by both chambers and sent to President Joe Biden's desk on Thursday, will stop the government from importing millions of flags more cheaply from countries like China.

Current federal rules require the government to buy flags that contain half U.S.-made materials, instead of the entire flag being made in the United States with solely U.S. material, the Associated Press reported on Monday.

“The American flag serves as a symbol of our identity, resolve, and values as one people," one of the proposal's sponsors Sen. Susan Collins, said in a statement. "To honor its significance, the federal government should only use flags entirely manufactured in the United States." 

Supporters of the legislation said that the new act, titled the “All American Flag Act,” is also expected to support American jobs and manufacturers.

Imports of the U.S. flag cost the government well over $4 million in 2015, according to federal data cited by the AP. In 2017, the country imported at least 10 million American flags, and 99.5% of them came from China.

The legislation passing both chambers was perceived as a victory for lawmakers, including Collins and Democratic Sen. Sherrod Brown of Ohio, who have been trying to push the legislation through for years. The last time it was passed by the Senate, the legislation stalled in the House.

Supporters of the bill expect Biden to sign the legislation soon.

Misty Severi is an evening news reporter for Just The News. You can follow her on X for more coverage.

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