Saturday, 26 October 2024

Congressional report exposes taxpayer-funded 'concierge' services for illegal immigrants

The House Judiciary Committee and the Subcommittee on Immigration Integrity, Security, and Enforcement released a report exposing the Biden administration's use of taxpayer dollars to fund "concierge" services for illegal immigrants. 

"[F]ar from imposing consequences on illegal aliens and removing them from the country, the Biden Administration encourages illegal aliens to arrive at the border, chauffeurs them into the interior, and then rewards them with concierge services, all on the taxpayers’ dime and at the expense of public safety," the report stated.

"From the beginning of his term, President Biden has sought to reimagine immigration detention, which is mandated by the Immigration and Nationality Act, in favor of releasing illegal aliens and relying on so-called Alternatives to Detention (ATD) programs," the report added.

According to the report, the money was funneled through left-wing organizations, despite it being at the expense of security.

Some of the services provided to the migrants include legal orientation, social services referrals and mental health support.

The report cites a specific program called the Young Adult Case Management Program (YACMP), which provides social service referrals and legal service provider referrals to migrants.

The report criticized U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) for "celebrating" this program, despite thousands of participants reportedly not complying with it. 

"Yet, there have been no consequences for noncompliance, with ICE admitting that 'no arrests have been made on any of the noncompliant cases,'" the report reads. 

"Instead, ICE celebrates this taxpayer-funded program with then-Acting Director Tae Johnson boasting it as a means to 'help ICE address the needs of young adults as they navigate the immigration process at a critical time in their lives,'" it continues. 

It further stated that ICE referred illegal migrants to get services from groups like Planned Parenthood. House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, last month requested that the Appropriations Committee prohibit funding for social services provided to illegal aliens. 

The Young Center, a 501(c)3 charitable foundation that focuses on advocacy for immigrant children, says that ICE "awarded nearly $20 million to Acuity International [...] to run YACMP for 18- and 19-year-olds facing immigration court proceedings." The Young Center says that it is putting young immigrants at risk.

Illegal immigration has been a major issue often brought up by Republicans during the Biden administration, with many criticizing his "open border" policies that have led to multiple people crossing the U.S.-Mexico border, a number of whom have been charged with violent crimes. Some specific instances include the alleged rape of a disabled girl and the assault of two police officers in New York City, according to documents obtained exclusively by the New York Post.

Biden recently issued an executive order to crackdown on illegal immigration which many GOP lawmakers said didn't go far enough and still lets in thousands of people.

The House Judiciary Committee recently subpoenaed Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas for documents about nine illegal migrants who have allegedly committed crimes against American citizens. 

The documents on the accused criminals must be handed over by the Department of Homeland Security by July 17.

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