Saturday, 26 October 2024

House panel chair presses agencies for subpoenaed info on 'Bidenbucks'

House Administration Committee Chairman Bryan Steil sent letters to five federal agencies this week, demanding they turn over subpoenaed information regarding "Bidenbucks," President Biden’s executive order directing federal agencies to promote voting access.

On Monday, Steil requested the Departments of Labor, Housing and Urban Development, Health and Human Services, Justice, and Agriculture provide information he subpoenaed in June regarding their work on Executive Order 14019, often referred to by critics as “Bidenbucks.”

The Wisconsin Republican said his committee had only received public information from the agencies, rather than the strategic plans to implement the executive order he requested in the subpoenas. The documents the committee received from four of the five agencies "reveal a substantial volume of documents that have not been provided to Congress," Steil wrote.

In a statement released Tuesday, Steil said, "The Biden-Harris Administration continues trying to hide their strategic plan to use federal taxpayer dollars for partisan, get-out-the-vote activities. We know these agencies have developed and begun implementing get out the vote efforts, yet they continue to defy our subpoena request.The American people deserve answers for how this Executive Order is being implemented. I will continue working to get these strategic plans."

Steil subpoenaed 15 Biden cabinet officials for documents related to “Bidenbucks” on June 13. On Tuesday, he said that his committee is still working with the other 10 agencies. The letters gave all the agencies except the Department of Health and Human Services a deadline of Aug. 2 to comply with the subpoena. According to the letter, HHS has until Aug. 22 to comply.

“Bidenbucks” alludes to "Zuckerbucks," the roughly $400 million from Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg widely alleged to have been funneled through left-leaning nonprofits to turn out the Democratic vote in the 2020 presidential election. 

According to Biden's executive order, “The head of each agency shall evaluate ways in which the agency can, as appropriate and consistent with applicable law, promote voter registration and voter participation,” including "soliciting and facilitating approved, nonpartisan third-party organizations and State officials to provide voter registration services on agency premises.” 

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