Monday, 21 October 2024

Senate Intel Chairman: 'We may be less prepared' for election threats now than in 2020 under Trump

Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va., Senate Intelligence Committee chairman, said in an interview that the U.S. government might be "less prepared" for 2024 election threats from bad actors.

“We may be less prepared 155 days out in 2024 than we were under President Trump (in 2020),” Warner said during an interview with the Associated Press on Monday.

According to the AP report, Warner cited "improved disinformation tactics by Russia and China, the rise of domestic candidates and groups who are themselves willing to spread disinformation, and the arrival of artificial intelligence programs that allow the rapid creation of images, audio and video difficult to tell from the real thing" as threats the U.S. might not be adequately prepared to combat.

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