Thursday, 19 September 2024

Top Georgia GOP official illegally voted nine times, fined $5,000: court ruling

A top Georgia Republican Party official has been fined $5,000 for voting illegally nine times while he was on probation for check forgery.

Administrative Law Judge Lisa Boggs on Wednesday ordered the party's first vice chairman, Brian Pritchard, to pay $5,000 in civil penalties. Pritchard publicly reprimanded by the state' election board for his actions. 

In 1996, Pritchard pleaded guilty to check forgery charges in Pennsylvania and received probation.

While the probation was originally for three years, it was extended until 2011 because he allegedly didn't pay restitutions. Pritchard claimed he didn't owe any money.

In 2008, when Pritchard registered to vote, he signed a form stating that he wasn't serving a felony sentence.

When he was cross-examined, Pritchard said he wasn't aware that he was prohibited from registering to vote and didn't believe that he still had three years of probation in 2008 because he thought the issue was resolved in 1999.

Pritchard voted in 2008 for four primary and general elections in Georgia and five special, primary, and general elections in 2010 during his probation.

He told The Hill on Thursday that the allegations were untrue.

“I have not been found guilty of anything ... . I will continue my grassroots work every day and will not buckle to false attacks” Pritchard told the news outlet.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) posted on her X account on Thursday, "The First Vice Chairman of the Georgia Republican Party, Brian Pritchard, voted ILLEGALLY nine times while serving out his probation for FELONY check forgery. Brian Pritchard must resign immediately.

"The Republican Party is the party of election integrity," she continued. "And after the 2020 election, which was stolen in Georgia through rampant voter fraud, our state party should be the leading voice on securing our elections. At a time when the Georgia Republican Party is successfully building its effort to protect our state from a total Democrat takeover, it is unacceptable for our party to have a man in leadership who has repeatedly committed voter fraud himself."

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