Monday, 28 October 2024

50 Cent: People Identified With Trump After Iconic “Fight, Fight, Fight” Moment

50 Cent: People Identified With Trump After Iconic “Fight, Fight, Fight” Moment

Rapper comments on Many Men song revival after failed assassination attempt.

Rapper 50 Cent commented on the Trump campaign using his ‘Many Men’ song after July’s assassination attempt, asserting that people identified with Trump’s iconic “fight, fight, fight” moment.

Following the failed assassination attempt by Thomas Crooks, the song once again surged in popularity on streaming platforms.

The track, which was first released in 2003, is based on 50 Cent himself (Curtis James Jackson) being shot nine times in 2000 and includes the lyrics, “Many men wish death upon me. Blood in my eye, dog, and I can’t see.”

Jackson said he would like to “stay out” of the presidential race but acknowledged that he was catapulted back into the limelight following the assassination attempt.

“Thing happen, like Trump gets shot and then they start playing Many Men and it jumps 250 per cent in streaming,” said Jackson.

“He says fight! And that’s exactly what I did after I got shot, I went into a fight mode, people identify with it in that way,” he added.

Over a month before the assassination attempt, 50 Cent said black people were identifying with Trump over the deep state’s continual use of lawfare against the former president.

“I see them identifying with Trump…because they got RICO charges,” said Jackson, and was subsequently pilloried by the media over the remarks.

Jackson endorsed Trump in 2020 after saying he feared the Biden administration would bring in crippling taxes but later reversed his support after being mocked by leftist comedian Chelsea Handler, his former girlfriend.

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