Monday, 20 May 2024

Apple Slammed Over Commercial For New iPad That Crushes Creative Tools in a Giant Vice

Apple Slammed Over Commercial For New iPad That Crushes Creative Tools in a Giant Vice

“This advert is horrific.”

Apple is being slammed for producing a commercial for the new iPad which shows a huge version of the device crushing creative tools such as musical instruments, paint and cameras in a giant vice.

“Meet the new iPad Pro: the thinnest product we’ve ever created, the most advanced display we’ve ever produced, with the incredible power of the M4 chip. Just imagine all the things it’ll be used to create,” Apple CEO Tim Cook posted on X.

The advert begins showing a record player, a piano, a television and a host of other items which are about to be totally destroyed by a giant iPad hovering above them.

The oversized device then crushes a trumpet, an arcade machine and explodes pots of multi-colored paint while backed by a song which asserts “all I ever need is you.”

Every single original, authentic object that people have enjoyed for generations gets utterly obliterated.

The commercial is supposed to be cool and edgy, but ends up being completely morose and dystopian.

Respondents on X absolutely trashed the ad.

“This advert is horrific,” wrote Morgoth. “You don’t need anything physical, the little black mirror will make it all obsolete because it’s all just useless clutter anyway. Life is to be lived and experienced only in Apple products, all else is junk.”

The sentiment was widely shared by others.

Who signed off on this utter dross? It could literally be a scene out of Black Mirror.

No doubt it was the same people who are busy marketing Apple’s horrendously dystopian Apple Vision Pro.

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