Saturday, 26 October 2024

Banksy ‘Launches’ Migrant Boat Stunt At Glastonbury Festival, Which Has An 8km Long 20ft High Border Wall

Banksy ‘Launches’ Migrant Boat Stunt At Glastonbury Festival, Which Has An 8km Long 20ft High Border Wall

Perfect venue for metropolitan shitlib virtue signalling

The ‘street’ artist Banksy carried out a stunt at the now uber trendy Glastonbury Festival Friday night by launching a mock-up small boat complete with dummy migrants into the crowd.

The Guardian reports that many in the crowd thought it was part of the band Idles’ set given that their songs are all about lefty political positions such as the idea that limiting mass illegal immigration is right wing and evil.

The report notes, however, that Banksy was behind the stunt stating “The raft, a reference to the small boats carrying migrants across the Channel that have been such a high-profile target of Rishi Sunak’s immigration policy, was crowdsurfed through the thousands-strong Other stage crowd, which Idles were headlining on Friday night.”

Given that Sunak has done practically nothing to prevent the boats and the Conservative government has actively incentivised mass illegal immigration for years now, you’d be forgiven for thinking the stunt was some sort of endorsement.

Indeed, it’s difficult to pinpoint exactly what the point of it was. 

What is the crowd cheering about here?

The report further notes that the boat was ‘launched’ during a song called Danny Nedelko, which contains the following lyrics:

My blood brother is an immigrant, a beautiful immigrant. My blood brother’s Freddie Mercury. A Nigerian mother of three. He’s made of bones, he’s made of blood. He’s made of flesh, he’s made of love. He’s made of you, he’s made of me. Unity. Fear leads to panic, panic leads to pain. Pain leads to anger, anger leads to hate.

The report also notes that “Migration is a major theme at this year’s Glastonbury festival, with a new area dedicated to the topic.”

Mega cringe.

It continues, “Entrants to ‘Terminal 1’ must answer a question from the UK government’s citizenship test for prospective migrants.”

The message being that having some form of secure border and vetting system is oppressive… or something.

If people manage to pass the test they’re then treated to “music by representatives from Notting Hill carnival and Bristol’s St Paul’s carnival, alongside visual art by global artists including Love Watts, Yoshi Sodeoka and the Turner prize winner Mark Wallinger.”

No thanks then.

It perhaps would’ve been more accurate to treat them with a four star hotel, loaded debit cards and free meals.

The idea that Glastonbury is some sort of moral arbiter on migration is laughable given that it is surrounded by an eight kilometre long 20 ft high hi tech secure perimeter complete with guards and watchtowers.

The BBC noted in 2019 that “The festival might even be more secure than Mr Trump’s planned border wall between the US and Mexico.”

Admittance is only granted to the select few who pay the massively extortionate ticket price and can afford to spend more than the majority of people earn in an entire month once inside.

It’s basically full of metropolitan shitlib ‘creatives’ and influencers with trust funds and disposable incomes.

So it’s the perfect venue to engage in empty virtue signalling stunts.

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