Tuesday, 22 October 2024

Biden Has Reportedly Told Iran That Assassinating Trump Would Be “An Act Of War”

Biden Has Reportedly Told Iran That Assassinating Trump Would Be “An Act Of War”

Does anyone believe him?

Joe Biden has reportedly instructed his National Security Council to make it clear to Iran that killing president Trump would constitute an act of war.

Fox News reports that Biden has signalled that if anything happens to Trump at the hands of airman it will trigger a US military response.

The development comes after the Trump campaign sought presidential level protection for the GOP nominee and even military protection against possible drone and missile strikes.

Trump Team Asks For Presidential Level Of Protection Amid Threat Of Drone, Missile Attacks

“We consider this a national and homeland security matter of the highest priority, and we strongly condemn Iran for these brazen threats,” National Security Council spokesperson Sean Savitt previously said in a statement.

“We have ensured that appropriate agencies are continuously and promptly providing the former president’s security detail with evolving threat information,” the statement continued.

Savitt added that “Additionally, President Biden has reiterated his directive that the United States Secret Service should receive every resource, capability and protective measure required to address those evolving threats to the former president.”

As we highlighted, the White House previously refused to clarify if Iran killing Trump would constitute an act of war.

White House Refuses To Say If Iran Assassinating Trump Would Constitute An Act Of War

However, on Friday, Biden told reporters “what I’ve told the department is to give [Trump] every single thing he needs, as if he were a sitting president. Give him all that he needs. If it fits within that category, that’s fine.”

Trump previously said that Biden should tell Iran it would be “blown to smithereens” if their regime harms any US politician.

He has also said that he believes the FBI is sitting on information that indicates the two assassination attempts against him had foreign backers.

Trump Claims FBI Sitting on Information That Suggests Assassination Attempts Were Foreign-Backed

The threats against Trump are ramping up with just days to go before the election, prompting the disturbing question, will he make it to November 5th?

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