Saturday, 26 October 2024

“CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?” Trump Has To Downsize Rally Because Secret Service Was Assigned To IRANIAN President 

“CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?” Trump Has To Downsize Rally Because Secret Service Was Assigned To IRANIAN President 

Meanwhile, Iran is trying to assassinate Trump

During a rally in Wisconsin, Donald Trump revealed that the event had been massively downsized because the Biden Harris regime assigned Secret Service agents to protect the Iranian president.

Yes, really.

The Secret Service was unable to secure the original venue for the Trump rally because the Iranian puppet president was visiting the UN in New York.

Trump related that “The administration couldn’t give us the Secret Service necessary because they’re guarding the Iranian president who’s looking to kill Trump.”

“We have a nice little room that probably holds 1500, 2000 maybe less,” he added, claiming that up to 40,000 or 50,000 people had been turned away.

“Can you believe it?” he asked the crowd.

As we have highlighted, Congressman Matt Gaetz has warned that a senior DHS official told him there are at least five “assassination teams” inside the United States currently targeting Trump.

Rep. Matt Gaetz Says DHS Source Told Him There Are Five “Assassination Teams” Inside U.S. Targeting Trump

Claims have also been made that these so called ‘kill teams’ have taken delivery of sets of surface to air missiles which they intend to use to target Trump’s jet.

Claim: Trump’s Plane A Target For ‘Kill Teams’ With Surface To Air Missiles

Earlier this week, Trump’s team was briefed on multiple assassination plots against him, including some connected to Iran.

Trump Details How There Have Been Further Attempts To Assassinate Him

Despite all of this, the Biden Harris administration is resisting demands by Republicans to issue a statement warning Iran that any attempt to assassinate Donald Trump would constitute an act of war.

White House Refuses To Say If Iran Assassinating Trump Would Constitute An Act Of War

And now they are literally protecting the Iranians while leaving Trump in danger.

Americans reacted with disgust.

America last.

They want Trump “extinguished.”

They’re desperate.

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