Friday, 25 October 2024

CNN Data Reporter Admits He’s Never Seen Worse Numbers For An Incumbent President

CNN Data Reporter Admits He’s Never Seen Worse Numbers For An Incumbent President

“These numbers were bad already, and the truth is, they have gotten just considerably worse.”

A new CBS News/YouGov poll shows that voters’ opinions of Joe Biden have exponentially worsened since last week’s debate, prompting CNN data reporter Harry Enten to declare that never in his lifetime has he seen worse numbers for a sitting President.

“CBS News and YouGov conducted some polling post-debate. We can compare it to the pre-debate numbers, and the bottom line is, it’s not any good,” Enten announced.

He continued, “Look at this, voters who say that Biden has the mental health to be president. It was just 35% pre-debate. Look where it’s dropped to now, post-debate, 27%.”

“How about ‘not that he should be running’ for president? It was 37% pre-debate. It’s now 28%,” Enten added.

“I have never seen numbers this bad for an incumbent president during my lifetime,” Enten urged, adding “I mean, ‘mental health to be president’ at just 27%? You might say, okay, that’s low, but a lot of people thought Biden was too old back in 2020. These numbers looked nothing like this back in 2020.”

“These numbers were bad already, and the truth is, they have gotten just considerably worse, even in just a few days after that first presidential debate,” the statistician further proclaimed.

Enter also noted that while Democrats could potentially replace Biden, there is no candidate that has significantly better numbers than him.

“I went back and looked at the polling versus Donald Trump for a bunch of different Democrats that have been suggested: Gretchen Whitmer, Gavin Newsom, Kamala Harris. Look at this, they all trail Donald Trump,” Enten explained.

“So the idea here that we’re somehow going to get this magic bullet, that there’s somehow going to be some Democrat who can beat Donald Trump easily, I just don’t see it in the numbers,” he added.

“At this particular point, if Joe Biden takes on Donald Trump, he’s trailing. If there’s another Democrat who runs against Donald Trump, they too are trailing,” Enten noted.

He reiterated, “the fact is, any Democrat who entered the race right now, at least among those that are being suggested by a bunch of folks, would all enter the race at this particular point as an underdog to former President Donald Trump.”

Last month, Enten expressed shock at just how much support Joe Biden has lost, predicting that “we’re careening towards a historic performance for a Republican presidential candidate, the likes of which we have not seen in six decades”

Watch: CNN Data Reporter “Speechless” At “Historic” Loss Of Black Support For Biden

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