Wednesday, 23 October 2024

CNN Dr Sanjay Gupta Calls For Biden To Have ‘Detailed Cognitive And Movement Disorder Testing’

CNN Dr Sanjay Gupta Calls For Biden To Have ‘Detailed Cognitive And Movement Disorder Testing’

Many suspect he has Parkinson’s disease

CNN chief medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta has called for Joe Biden to undergo cognitive medical tests in the wake of his continuing obvious mental decline.

Gupta notes that he has spoken to over a dozen colleagues who are “concerned with [Biden’s] confused rambling; sudden loss of concentration in the middle of a sentence; halting speech and absence of facial animation, resulting at times in a flat, open-mouthed expression.”

Gupta adds that the consensus among the doctors is that “the president should be encouraged to undergo detailed cognitive and movement disorder testing, and those results should be made available to the public.”

Gupta also noted during a CNN broadcast Friday “I think a lot of the things people saw at the debate weren’t necessarily new, but they were sustained, and I think more pronounced than what we had seen in the past. I think that’s what really provoked the essay.”

“Are we looking at episodes of something, or is this a condition that should be more fully investigated? And it really seems to be more of the latter,” Gupta further declared.

He also posited that “Parkinson’s disease… might explain his stiff gait and decreased expression in his face.”

While Biden’s last medical exam in February mentioned no such issues, it has emerged that Biden’s physician, Dr. Kevin O’Connor, met with a Parkinson’s disease specialist at the White House in January.

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