Friday, 20 September 2024

CNN Mouth Declares Democrats “Must Turn Their Fire On Trump”

CNN Mouth Declares Democrats “Must Turn Their Fire On Trump”

What happened to toning down the rhetoric?

A CNN contributor has been blasted for saying that Democrats need to “turn their fire on Trump” a few days after a deranged shooter attempted to assassinate him.

Talking head Kate Bedingfield said “[Biden] has said many, many times after having been questioned many times about this that he’s not stepping down and that he’s going to be the nominee.”

Then came the kicker.

“So at some point, Democrats have to decide that they want to try to win this election and turn their fire on Donald Trump,” she stated.

She then realised what she had just said and added “I shouldn’t have said ‘turn their fire’ – I apologize, that was not the phrase that I meant. They need to turn their focus on Donald Trump.”

Too late.

Incredibly, instead of showing concern, some of the other panelists chuckled.

After receiving massive backlash, Bedingfield tried to apologise again, but made it worse.


As we highlighted earlier, another CNN hack got annoyed when GOP Congressman Cory Mills, a former Army sniper, suggested that the security failures during the Trump rally last Saturday could have been intentional as a means of allowing him to be murdered.

CNN Host Has Hissy Fit As Former Army Sniper Suggests Trump Security Failure “Intentional”

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