Thursday, 24 October 2024

Deranged: Dem Strategist Claims Trump Vowed To EXTERMINATE People With Eugenics

Deranged: Dem Strategist Claims Trump Vowed To EXTERMINATE People With Eugenics

“It harkens back to a time of Hitler who used the same exact language”

A deranged Democrat strategist appeared on CNN and claimed that Donald Trump has promised to “exterminate” people with “bad genes,” suggesting that she is at risk because she is a “black lesbian.”

Yes, it really has gotten that crazy.

Aisha Mills seriously argued that Trump, should he be elected, will engage in a eugenics program to eliminate black people and gay people.

“Listen, this isn’t the first time we heard this kind of talk from Donald Trump, and it reeks of authoritarianism,” Mills stated, adding “It also harkens back to a time of Hitler who used the same exact language that Donald Trump is now quoting to talk about the people who he thinks are poisoning the blood of the nation.”

She continued, “You know, all of this smells like an affinity towards eugenics, which really should give us all pause, because when we remember the last person, the last awful authoritarian dictator who believed in eugenics, it was someone who really wanted to exterminate an entire people because they thought that they didn’t have good genes and because they were trying to create a certain type of race.”

Republican strategist David Urban, who was also on the segment, attempted to point out how completely bat shit Mills’ assertions are, urging that it is  “just shameful to compare Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler.” 

Mills charged that Urban is “doing Donald Trump’s bidding” and then claimed that she is “at risk of being exterminated” by Trump for being a “black lesbian.”

When Urban asked her to provide any evidence of Trump saying such a thing, she shouted back “I’m not going to be lectured by some white man who has no idea what he’s talking about and is trying to rewrite history here.”

“I am afraid as an American of a Donald Trump presidency, and his actual quotes don’t lie because I take him seriously and I think that he believes what he says. And that is why he is a danger and a threat to America,” she further blathered.

While she was saying all this, CNN’s chyron read “Trump Links Migrants to Murderers: ‘It’s In Their Genes.'”

This all stems from Trump positing that illegal immigrant murderers, 13,000 of them convicted under the Biden Harris administration, people who have come into the US illegally and have killed Americans, might have “bad genes.”

He never talked about “exterminating” anyone, only about securing the border and preventing thousands of murderers and violent criminals getting in.

Mills is clearly mentally unstable, yet another example of a rabid leftist engaging in this bizarre fantasy about Trump throwing them in detention camps or even worse, executing them, and contributing to the vile rhetoric that has almost gotten him assassinated twice.

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