Saturday, 26 October 2024

Eyewitness: Security at Trump Event Noticeably Lax Compared to Previous Rally

Eyewitness: Security at Trump Event Noticeably Lax Compared to Previous Rally

“I just thought that was kind of weird.”

An eyewitness to the attempted assassination of Donald Trump told NBC News that security, particularly on rooftops, was noticeably lax compared to a previous Trump rally he had attended nearby four years earlier.

Robert D. Philpot said he attended a Trump rally at the Pittsburgh-Butler Regional Airport during the previous presidential campaign and immediately noted that the location had a lot of buildings similar to those from where the shooter took aim during yesterday’s attack.

“Every rooftop of every hanger had three, four five guys on top,” said Philpot, noting that armed Secret Service and law enforcement were everywhere.

“First thing I did when I got here yesterday, was I did a complete look around at every rooftop and I said to myself that’s strange, I don’t see one cop, sniper, nothing, I don’t see anything, and I just thought that was kind of weird,” said Philpot.

The eyewitness said it was “so noticeable” that the security was so lax for yesterday’s event compared to the one he attended four years prior.

Philpot added that it was “strange” because there’s “all kinds of buildings” where a potential shooter could have been located.

The Trump supporter said he was still in shock as to why and how the incident happened.

As we document below, there are numerous questions swirling as to why Secret Service took minutes to take out the shooter after being alerted to him by the crowd.

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