Wednesday, 23 October 2024

LOL: Democrats Hold ‘Funeral’ Meeting Over Biden And Cry “Actual Tears”

LOL: Democrats Hold ‘Funeral’ Meeting Over Biden And Cry “Actual Tears”

Poor babies

Axios reported Tuesday that prior to a larger meeting of House Democrats on regarding Joe Biden’s path forward, a breakout group of Democrats from swing-districts held what sources described as “a despondent gathering with actual tears.”

Awwww diddums.

The report further notes that the source said the feeling was “pretty much unanimous” that Biden has “got to step down,” adding, “There were actual tears from people, and not for Biden.”

The report notes that the main meeting was inconclusive, with some defending Biden and some saying he has to go.

It further states that A House Democrat who was in both meetings declared “Most of our caucus is still with him … meaning he’ll stay in. Which sucks for our country.”

Another House Democrat who is supportive of Biden said that the meeting “felt like a funeral.”

Rep. Steve Cohen commented that Democrats aren’t “even in the same book” on whether to support Biden.

Meanwhile, former Democrat, now Independent, Senator Joe Manchin suggested that a clearer picture about Biden will emerge after this weekend.

“I think that if you just wait until this weekend there’ll be more comes out. I believe that we’ll be able to have a better, clearer view of what’s happening,” Manchin stated.

Donald Trump has commented that he doesn’t believe Biden will drop out but that Democrats are trying to force him to.

“It’s hard to give it up that way, the way they’re trying to force him out,” Trump said, adding “It looks to me like [Biden] may very well stay in. He’s got an ego and doesn’t want to quit. I think Jill would like to see him stay, she’s having a good time. I’m hearing Hunter is calling the shots.”

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